Chapter 12: Homecoming

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            All the delinquents gathered around Clarke and Bellamy. They all started talking and squirming. The ark had landed miles away from them, there was smoke to lead them to it. "Everyone listen up." Bellamy yelled. He looked at Clarke.
             "Everyone is going to stay here!" Clarke started to give instructions. "I'm not putting anyone's life in danger, I'm going to the ark and we will send guards out her to rescue all of you." Clarke smiled, it was easy to tell it was forced.
               The crowd of delinquents cheered. Clarke grabbed a backpack and started to pack things. Bellamy walked over to her. "Clarke you can't go alone." Bellamy was over the bin of nuts the delinquents had been collecting. Clarke looked up. She handed some nuts to Bellamy and signaled him to the way of the woods.
                 Raven was still in shock of what happened to Finn. She didn't look at Clarke. "Octavia watch the camp." Bellamy touched her shoulder. Octavia nodded. Raven sat below Octavia with a cover over her. Raven just looked down, it was like she had no life in her. Bellamy looked down at her. Clarke came out from behind him.
                 Clarke knelt down to Raven. Clarkes eyes filled up with tears. "I didn't know how much he met to you." Raven looked away from Clarke trying to hold back her tears. Bellamy lifted Clarke back up, the two left.
                 They had been walking for about an hour until Clarke felt a throbbing pain in her ankle. She moaned of the pain. She leaned against a tree to rest her ankle. "Let's take a rest." Bellamy layed his backpack down and Clarkes pack.
Bellamy sat and looked at Clarke in pain.
                    He looked out at the woods. A tear went down his face. Clarke noticed, "Bellamy?" She was confused. At this point Clarke and Bellamy were sitting across from eachother.
                     "I can't go back there, Clarke ." Bellamy wiped his tear and looked down. Clarke kept listening. "Not after what I've done." Clarke shook her head. "Your ankle-"
                      "I'll tell everyone I fell while landing." Clarke cut Bellamy off, but it was easy to tell Bellamy was hiding something else. "That's not it, is it?" Clarke backtracked to when they first landed. "The thing you were talking to Octavia about, what'd you do?"
                      "I.." Bellamy could barley finish. "I... shot the chancellor." Bellamy let out a deep breath. Clarke realized that's what happened to Kane, when he fell. Clarke could only imagine what her mother went through, her mother loved Kane. Clarkes face appeared with tears. "I'm going to run away." Bellamy looked back at the woods.  Clarke was in shock.
                      "No." Clarke demanded. It didn't take her more than a second to respond to Bellamy . She walked to where he was sitting. "Bellamy, you saved my life , you saved the delinquents, you risked your life for your sister!" Clarke could go on. "We all need you." Clarke looked at Bellamys hand. She breathed. "I need you."She took his hand.
                      "What do I do?" His face was so worried, it made Clarke feel twice as much emotion. Clarke looked towards the smoke of where the ark landed.
                      "My mom and Kane were a thing remember?" She nudged Bellamy. "I can pull a few strings." She winked trying to lighten the mood.
                       Underneath Bellamys scared face, there appeared a smile. Only Clarke could make him smile. "Ok." He chuckled.
                       Clarke stood up. "Shall we continue?" Clarke put her hand out to him.Bellamy looked at her, than at her hand.
                       He grabbed it gently, and stood up. "Together" He said with a soft smile.
                        "Together." Clarke replied in a smile. Man, this guy could really make her smile.
Bellamy and Clarke were close to where the Ark landed. They landed in a small valley just beyond the forest. Bellamy and Clarke stood behind trees looking at them. They saw guards going into a room , Clarke could tell it was the chancellors quarters. Clarke looked at Bellamy. "Stay a good distance behind me. If you see a guard walk the opposite direction. Be careful." Bellamy nodded.
Clarke saw a knife in his pocket. She took it out and put it underneath her jacket. "Incase, you get checked." Clarke turned around and started walking. Bellamy followed carefully behind her.
Clarke avoided the most people she could to keep Bellamy out of sight. They made it inside. It looked just like how it did in space. She went down halls she knew no one went down. They were close to the chancellors room. "Stay outside the hall. This is the back entrance, no one comes in this way." Clarke nodded to Bellamy.
Clarke took a deep breath and walked in the room. There she saw her mom looking out the window, but instead of looking at earth from space, she was looking at earth, on earth. Clarkes mom turned around, her eyes filled with tears. "Clarke!" She ran up to Clarke and squeezed her. Clarke was bitter. She barley hugged back. Clarkes mom put her hand under Clarkes face. "I've missed you so much." Clarke nodded.
Clarkes mom could tell she was here not to greet one an other. "Where is everyone else?" She continued. 
"I'll take you to them." Clarke nodded towards the window that faced the forest. Clarkes mom smiled.
"Abby!" A familiar voice called entering from the main entrance. It was chancellor Kane. He was alive.
                    "There are people on the ground. I have a peace treaty with them." Clarke explained . "Your men need to stay away before I talk to them."
                   Abby and Kane looked at Clarke in awe, than Abby rushed over to Kane. She lifted up his shirt, there was a bandage.
"Everything looks perfect." Abby smiled. Kane noticed Clarke and chuckled. "He was shot" Abby's emotions completely changed. "Blake. Bellamy Blake. Do you know him?" Abby and Kane got closer.
                    "Yes." Clarke swallowed. "But he doesn't need to be punished." Abby and Kane looked at eachother. It was obvious they didn't agree. Just than, Bellamy walked in with his hands up, a guard pointing a gun to Bellamys head followed him. Clarke gasped.
                    Kane looked at Bellamy. "Bellamy Blake." Abby began. "Your crimes are unexceptionable." Bellamy looked at Clarke. Clarke was speechless. "Take him away. We won't be seeing him for awhile." Abby waving her finger in the direction of the hall.
                      "No." Clarke yelled. "If he goes, i go." Clarke held out her wrist like she would be handcuffed.
                       Abby shook her head. "Nope, absolutely not."
                       "No Bellamy , no me. Without me there's no peace treaty with the grounders. If they find out they'll kill us. They know how to fight." Clarke was viscous.
                       Abby was about to argue back, but then. "Ok." Kane replied. Everyone looked at Kane. "Bellamy Blake you are pardoned for your crimes." Abby was mad. Clarke and Bellamy smiled. "Guard, you may leave." The Guard put his gun down and walked away. Clarke ran over to Bellamy and hugged him. He waited a second to hug her back.
                      "Now please, take me and Abby to the rest of you." Kane insisted. Bellamy and Clarke looked at eachother than at the window.
                      Bellamy smiled. "Of course sir"

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