"I love you, you know that..right?"

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Camila's POV:
You've been down before, you've been hurt before, you've got up before, you'll be good to go, good to go...
Okay girls, do it again!
    Focusing has never been so hard before. I cannot stop watching her today. With all the stress and Lauren distracting me, I'll never get all this choreography down.
    "Camila! What's up? You've missed all of your cues," Sean said.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm just...tired. Give me 5 and I'll be good," I walked past the girls and Sean and straight out the backdoor of the studio.
Sitting on a near by bench, I hear the backdoor open once more.
"Hey..are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice come from behind me.
Not even having to turn around I say "I'm fine, Lauren. Just tired and a little dehydrated,"
"wELl hYdRatE," She said, launching a water bottle at my face.
Falling backwards off the bench, I yell back, "I aM oKaY, I'm just mostly tired,"
"Well, come on. Sean decided to cut rehearsal short since the rest of the girls were complaining about you getting a break and not them,"
I stand back up, giving a small smile and a chuckle at the girls' antics.
As I'm about to open the door, Lauren pulls me back by my hand and suddenly kisses me.
"You know I know you better than this. I know something's wrong, and when you're ready to tell me, I'll be here,"
    I wanted to start sobbing right then and there. I don't know if I'll ever be ready. How can I be ready to tell her I'm leaving Fifth Harmony? And how will it affect our relationship?
    I just nod and hug her, silently thanking her. Walking back into the studio, we saw Dinah sitting on her phone, I assume waiting for something.
    "Hey, Dinah. Whatcha still doing here?" Lauren said, quickly letting go of my hand. Not gonna lie, I was a bit hurt, but I knew it'd most likely be best to hide us.
    "Finally. I was waiting for you two. Normally left without me and I don't have a ride, so...thanks!" Dinah said, already making her way out and to Lauren's car.
    Lauren just looked at me for a second and chuckled, walking to the door.
    "You coming?" She said, realizing I wasn't behind her, already half way to the door.
    I slowly give her a sad smile, trying me hardest to make it look real, "I love you, you know that..right?" I ask, looking down at my feet.
    "Of course I do, and I love you too," She said, taking my hand and planting a kiss on the back of my palm.
    I smile up at her as she lets go and continues toward the door.
    "I really hope that doesn't change," I whisper to myself, finally able to move my legs and walk out the door.

    Ah, the sweet relaxing atmosphere of the tour bus, full of Dinah's obnoxiously loud voice. Honestly, I love her, but she needs to turn her speaking vocals down a few decibels.
    "Well, Dinah, it looks like you were a few seconds too short, Normani has already gotten in the shower," Ally says, walking out of the bunk area.
    "Well, ALLY, it looks like you were a few FEET too short," Dinah says, crossing her arms.
    "Um, Dinah, I think you better run," Lauren said, hiding behind the couch, laughing.
    "What..did you...say?" Ally growls, slowly turning towards Dinah, body ready to fight and eyes full of playfulness.
    Dinah squeals and starts running around the bus like a crazy person belting out apologies while Ally chases her, trying not to laugh.
    "Why must we associate ourselves with such children, Camz?" Lauren laughed, coming out from her hiding spot.
    "Babe, let's not forget, you literally had a temper tantrum yesterday when I told you I ate the last of your Reese's cups," I laughed, grabbing a hold of both her hands.
    "Okay, sure. I did, but you can't blame me, Dinah ate the last of them last time and I was looking forward to having the last of them this time," Lauren said, looking around incase someone came and saw us.
    I laugh lightly, still remembering how upset she looked and how sorry Dinah was when she ate her Reese's cups. My smile slowly dropped, thinking of how much of this I'm gonna miss when I leave.
    Believe it or not, all the girls, including Lauren in some ways, have been treating me differently. One minute I'm their punching bag, the reason they don't get more recognition. The next minute I'm their best friend, their most loyal sister. I just don't understand it, through all this Lauren's the one who I thought would be on my side, helping me defend myself. Nope, she simply doesn't say a word.
    Once, she even joined in! Saying she'd have more solos if I weren't in the group. I understand that, but I'm not in charge of who gets what solo in what song. I'm not in control of anything, and that only adds to the reasons I decided leaving the group was a good idea.
    "Hey, you okay? You kinda spaced out there," Lauren's voice brought me back from my thoughts.
    "Um..Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just...t-thinking," I say, giving her a small, fake smile.
    "Remember what I said at the studio. I know when something's wrong with you. Now tell me,what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" She asked me, smiling like she doesn't remember everything that's been going on for who knows how long.
"Yeah, just stressed and still really tired," I said, massaging my temples, feeling my headache growing.
"You should take a nap. Go lie down and I'll bring you some water," She smiled at me, lightly pushing me towards the bunks.
I slowly make my way to my bunk, thinking about when the right time would be to tell her I'll no longer be a part of Fifth Harmony.
Getting into my bunk I stare at the top of it for what felt like two hours, listening to the running water of the shower. I hear the bunk curtain pull back and I turn my head to see my beautiful girlfriends smiling face, in her hand, a bottle of water and a banana
"I figured you'd be at least a bit hungry, so I wanted to get you something small that you'd like, so..here," She explains, handing me the banana and setting down the bottle.
I smile up at her, admiring every detail of her face.
"Thank you," I whisper so quietly, I barely hear it. She just smiles, resting her palm on my cheek for a second before looking in both directions and lending in to give me a quick, but much needed, kiss.
"I hope you feel better. And I hope you can tell me whatever's been troubling you. I love you," She whispered the last part so no one else could hear.
"I love you more," I whisper back, my eyes slowly closing with the banana still clutched in my grip.

It Hurts Too Much To Hold On (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now