"Do you want to..tell them? Today?"

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Normani's POV:
We have a two day break, starting today so, I've planned a whole day of just us girls, spending time together. I've noticed recently that we haven't been as close as we were and I feel like this'll be good for us.
I get out of my bunk and check everyone else's. I only find Dinah, still sleeping. Of course. I decide to wake her up a bit later, not wanting to deal with her right now. I make my way to the kitchen and only see Ally.
"Hey Ally, have you seen Lauren and Camila?" She turns around, looking terrified.
"You scared the crap out of me, Normani!" She slaps my arm lightly and takes a deep breath.
"Sorry," I laugh, "But, have you seen them? I checked both of their bunks and they aren't there," I ask, gesturing to the bunk area.
"No, I woke up a bit earlier and haven't heard anyone else wake up..maybe they went out before I got up?" She said, continuing to make eggs. "Why don't you check the back room? One, or both of them could be back there," She said, pointing with her spatula.
"Good idea, I'll be right back. Oh, by the way, I've planned a whole day for us all. Thought we could use the girl time," I said, smiling at her.
"That sounds like a good idea. We've been really busy lately. It'd be nice to just hang out, all five of us," She smiles back. I make my way to the back room, shaking Dinah violently on the way before walking past her bunk quickly. Smiling to myself when I hear her groan in annoyance, I slowly open the door to the back room. It's too dark to see, so I turn the lights on and...
I see Lauren and Camila, cuddling. Not just that I see Lauren pull away from giving a sleeping Camila a light kiss on the lips. Holy sh-
"Um...it's not...what it looks like..?" She whispers, not wanting to wake Camila up.
"It looks like you just kissed a sleeping Camila...on the lips," I say, crossing my arms.
"Um...okay, so then..it is what it looks like," She gives a big fake smile.
"In case you were wondering, I'm not mad or anything. In fact, I kind of had a feeling y'all were a thing for a while now. And honestly, I'm happy. Y'all are cute together...and I'm sure Dinah will be ecstatic," I pout to myself, realizing something.
"Why would Dinah be ecstatic?" She asks, holding Camila tighter now that she knows I won't judge them.
I sigh softly, "Because she bet me $10 that you and Camila were dating," I said, already getting out the $10 I now owe Dinah.
She stares at me for a few seconds with an I cannot believe you guys look.
"You seriously bet on us dating? Or against us dating?" She questions me.
"I mean, I had a feeling, but Dinah was really persistent on betting on you guys dating. She even bet me another $10 saying that you're the one who asked her out, but I said Camila asked you out first?" I said, silently asking who it was. God, I hope I don't owe Dinah $20.
"...Fine, Camila asked me out...And she's the one who asked me to be her girlfriend," She said, smiling shyly at her girlfriend.
"YES! I KNEW IT! And thank God I don't owe her $20," I said, breathing deeply in relief.
    "So..can you not tell her, yet? Or Ally? I'd like to check in with Camila and tell her you saw us and see what she thinks about telling them," She said hopefully.
"Yeah, of course. You better do it soon though, because I want to freak out with them," I said, pointing at her and laughing.
"I will...so, you're not mad? And you don't like..I don't know..you won't judge us?" She asks, looking down.
"No, of course not. I still love you and Mila, no matter who either of you love. And I'm 100% sure Ally and Dinah will feel the same way," I smile at her, "Okay, well, I'm gonna go wake up Dinah. I won't tell her. Wake up Camila and get ready, we're all having a girls day, planned by moi," I say, flipping my hair and walking out the door, closing it behind me. I hope their happy...and the other girls won't judge them.

Lauren's POV:
Oh my God, I can't believe that just happened. I can't believe Normani knows, and on accident. I knew this would happen when I agreed to sleep here. I look at Camila, smiling. It was worth it.
"Hey..baby. You gotta wake up now," I say, lightly shaking her shoulder. I plant a few small kisses all over her face. On her cheeks, her forehead, finally her lips. I feel her smile and shift in my arms.
"Morning," she whispers, "I don't wanna get up, you're warm," She says, eyes still closed.
"So now you only want me for my warmth? I see how it is," I say, but hugging her tighter.
"So why am I awake now?" She chuckles lightly.
"Well...Normani came in..and saw us...while I was kissing you. She knows about us now..." I say slowly, hoping she won't flip out. She sits up quickly, looking worried.
"Did she take it okay? Does she hate us now? Will she ever talk to us again? Is she gonna judge us? What h-" I stop her before she can ramble on and on.
"She's fine with it. She asked a few questions, mostly based on a bet, but she's 100% okay with us. She said she still loves us no matter who we love," I smile, kissing her nose. She exhales loudly, obviously in relief. She lies back down slowly, before getting up again.
"Is she gonna tell Ally and Dinah?" She asks, probably wanting to tell them herself.
"I made her promise she wouldn't. I didn't know how you'd feel about it, or even if you wanted to tell them yet," I responded, playing with her fingers.
"I'm completely okay with telling them..I just kind of want to be awake next time and make sure they're okay with it," She laughs, nervously.
"I understand..do you want to..tell them? Today?" I ask, hoping to finally get it out.
"Honestly? Yes, I'm tired of hiding us. Especially around them," She said, leaning in closer to me. I close the space between us and we kiss for a few seconds before I say we should get up and ready to tell them.
After we're ready, we walk out into the lounging area where we see Normani, fidgeting, obviously wanting to expose our secret already. Dinah on the couch, still have asleep and finally Ally, trying to keep Dinah awake long enough to eat the eggs she made.
"Morning guys...Camila and I have something we want to tell you," I say, looking over at Camila. She gives me a small smile, grabs my hand and brings me to sit on the couch opposite of Dinah and Ally.
"So...this has been happening for a while. We probably should have told you earlier, but we were afraid it'd be riskier if more people knew. Now, we really just want you to know," Camila says slowly.
I take a deep breath before finally saying,"Camila and I..are dating," I say, finally looking up at them. Dinah is now fully awake, with a wide smile on her face.
"HA! YES, CAMREN IS REAL! NORMANI YOU OWE ME $10!" Dinah shouts raising her hand out to Normani, awaiting her money. Normani immediately hands her the $10, knowing that'd be Dinah's first reaction.
"By that reaction, I assume you're okay with us?" I ask.
"Okay with you? I'm happy, excited, and just...OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!" She squeals, doing a little dance in her place. Obviously, she's gonna be the new captain of this ship.
"..Ally? Are you okay with this?" Camila slowly questions, holding up our intertwined hands. I hadn't noticed that Ally hasn't said anything this entire time. She's just..staring at us, she's already put down the plate of eggs and she won't say anything.
"I...I'm just..."

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