Why me?

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Lauren's POV:
So, Camila had to leave the tour for a while. Just for like a week or so. I'm really not sure why, she said something about Arizona with her parents? I don't know why they would need to go to Arizona in such a rush. But, she's gone now and I really miss her. I'm really worried, before she left she seemed really..depressed? And really distant.

Dinah, of course she knows, but she won't tell me. She wants Camila to tell me when she's ready. I just want to help Camz go through whatever's happening in her life right now. I can't do that if I'm completely left in the dark. Maybe I can get Dinah so spill while she's in Arizona.
"Hey, Dinah, I–"
"No, I won't tell you what's going on with Mila," Ok, how the hell did she know what I was gonna ask?
Oh, I don't know, maybe because that's all you've been talking about?
Ok, shut up, me.
"That's...not..what I was gonna say..?"
"Ok..then what were you going to say?" She smirks, knowing that was exactly what I was going to ask.
"I..was g-going to ask...how..how's your cat...?"
"I don't have a ca–"
"OK, YEAH I KNOW THAT. I meant...Ok, yeah. Please, can you at least give me a hint at what's going on with Camz?" I'm practically begging her to tell me at this point.
You are begging her..?
"Ok..fine. It has something to do with..her dad," She already seems like she's about to cry just saying that.
"Is he..is he ok?" Now I'm really worried. But, not about her health anymore.

Camila's POV:
Ok, wow. This is..weird.

I'm currently sitting in an old and small hotel in Arizona. Sofi is sitting next to me on the one bed we have. Mami is in the bathroom, still getting ready. I'm not even sure what time it is. I haven't exactly been very..present I guess.I don't even know what day it is today. I don't even remember how long I've been in this hotel room.
"Mija, I'm ready. Are you sure you don't wanna go?" She places a hand on my shoulder. I just shake my head. I haven't been talking much lately. I will, if i have to. Talking just kinda seems pointless now.

She smiles sadly at me before grabbing Sofi's hand and taking her away. Now I'm alone. I'm all alone.

You're probably wondering, why the hell are you in Arizona?

Well this was the place my dad picked. Arizona is one of the only states in the USA with a CTCA, or Cancer Treatment Center of America. It's actually a pretty nice place..so I've heard. I haven't been there yet. He starts chemotherapy tomorrow. I want to at least be there for that. I tried to visit yesterday, but before I could walk into his room he apparently felt really sick. I heard all the chaos going on in his room and him in pain. Throwing up.

I just ran after that. I didn't even see him. I feel bad, yes, but I know it's gonna hurt to see him in pain. I'm not so sure I'm ready for that.


That's probably Lauren again. She's been texting and calling nonstop since she found out I had to go to Arizona. It's nice to know she cares but, I'm not just in the mood to talk..I'll at least check it.

Hey babe just wanted to see how you are

Not trying to pry or anything but..how's your dad?

Dinah didn't tell me anything don't freak out on her she just said it has to do with your dad

Well so much for telling her on my own time.

There's no way I can tell her over text. Maybe when I get back..I don't know. She deserves to know why I've been distant. I hope she'll understand. Why would she, you're being a b–

I heard the door unlock and open to see my mom slightly panicking. That automatically sent me into a state of panic as well.
"Ok, he's starting chemo today instead of tomorrow. He wanted you to be there when he starts. Please, make up your mind fast, we need to go now if you're coming," Um that's a lot..I don't know if I should though? What the hell? You don't know? Stop f–
"I'll go."
"Ok, good."

At CTCA (in the chemo room):
This is actually a really nice set up. There's a comfy chair, a big TV, a tray for food or drinks. They literally come up and ask if we want food. There's even a menu!
"...We had to have him start before you got here..." That was all I heard before I saw him in one of those comfy chair.

He had wires hooked up to him. I really don't know what I thought of when I knew he had to do chemotherapy. Probably something scary because you're a little–
"Would any of you like a drink?"
"How much is the lemonade?"
I didn't really pay attention after that. I just kinda looked around and tried not to make eye contact with anyone.
"Are you ok?" I look up and see my dad smiling at me. I just give a small smile and nod slightly.
"Do you want to watch TV?" Not what I thought he was going to ask, but good enough.
"No, thanks. I'm just..I'm g-gonna go to the bath..um, bathroom," I slowly stand up from my metal chair. Couldn't get comfy chairs for guests too huh?

When I finally found the bathroom I first checked to see if it was empty. Sighing, realizing it is in fact, empty. Yeah kinda like you and you're cold ass heart.

I just stand at the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. Oh, God. Why is Lauren dating you, you're so ugly. I watched as tears started to fall down my cheeks. Why me?


I yell at my reflection. Everything seems so..useless. Why me? Why him? Why us?

I fall to the floor, sliding down the closest wall. Tears streaming down my face.

Why me?

It Hurts Too Much To Hold On (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now