My dad has cancer

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A/N: I had to figure out how to make an edit then I had to figure out how to upload it to Wattpad so I hope someone appreciates my edit...please :)

Camila's POV:
It's only been a day since Lauren ran out and I haven't seen her today.

She's probably ignoring you. She doesn't care about you anymore.

Before I could bring myself down even more with my thoughts, the doctor came in. I didn't even bother learning his name, I barely payed attention the entire time I was here.

"Hello, Miss Cabello. How are you feeling?" he asks, looking down at his clipboard instead of me.
"Well, I do have some news that your parents should be here for. Since I got a call from your mother, I'm going to tell you and you can tell them, ok?" he finally looked at me. I nodded slightly, confused and scared.
    "Ok, well, I'm not going to sugar coat it. We have diagnosed you with depression and anorexia," he reads off his clipboard. Anorexia?
    "You seem confused? Do you know what anorexia is?" I shake my head no.
    "Anorexia is an emotional disorder, an eating disorder, where one loses their appetite or refuses to eat and obsesses over losing weight," Ok, what? I don't obsess over my I?

Of course you do, I mean look at you! You're too fat to not obsess over it.

    "I..ok?" he nods his head once and turns to walk out the door.
    "Oh, and you're ready to leave today. Is there someone you can call to pick you up right now?"
    "Yeah, I got it," he then walks out the door, closing it noisily behind him. I jump slightly at the loud noise. God damn hospital doors.
I grab my phone and dial Lauren's number. Hopefully she's not actually ignoring me.

You know she is.


I sigh, hitting the end button before I'm forced to leave a message. She really is ignoring me.

She probably hates you too.

Sighing again, I dial Dinah's number.



Ok, what the hell is with people not answering the phone call of a girl in the hospital?

After some time thinking, I finally decide to just call Ally and get it over with.



Well thank God someone answers their frikin phone.

"Hi, Ally..."

"Oh my, Mila? Where are you? Where did you guys go yesterday? Why didn't you come back with Dinah and Lauren? Why d–"

"Ally, shh, I'll explain later. Can you please pick me the hospital?"


"Ally?" I check to make sure she's still on the line. She is.



I pull the phone away from my ear to avoid becoming deaf.

"I said I'd explain later–"

I hear yelling in the background of her side.

"Ally? What's going on over there?"

She sighed and the yelling got quieter. "I really don't know. Lauren came bursting in last night crying, Dinah came in shortly after, yelling at her about something she did. They only stopped arguing long enough to sleep for maybe about three hours," Great now they're fighting.

"Oh, ok? Can you pick me up now though? Please?"

"Yeah, we're on our way, Mila."

"Wait, we–?" before she could hear me she hung up. Who's we? Maybe she'll bring Lauren?

Lauren hates you right now, she's not coming.

Maybe, I still have false hope that she'll come though.

(Spongebob narrator voice)
A few moments later:

Everything's all set and ready for me to leave the hospital, now I'm waiting to see if Ally brought Lauren or not. I'm hoping she did, but I'm also hoping she didn't.
"Mila?" I turn my head towards the door to see Normani.
"Where's Ally?"
"Good to see you too. She's waiting in the car so we didn't have to look for a parking spot. You ready?" I nod my head as we make our way outside. Half the car ride was filled with awkward silence, until Ally broke the tension.
"So, are you gonna tell us why you were in the hospital now?" she asks, eyes not leaving the road. I stare out the window for a moment before answering her.
    "I don't want to talk about it."
    "Alright, well do you wanna tell us why you've been so distant lately?" she asked, looking at me through the rear-view mirror. I didn't answer until we had gotten back to the tour bus. Before they could walk to their bunks I said,
    "My dad has cancer."

    They stood there staring at me, not moving a single muscle. It seemed like they were there for hours.

    When I finally looked up, I saw Ally full on crying. Normani was already making her way towards me with her arms out. Ally joined after a few seconds.
"Oh, Camila. I'm so sorry we weren't here for you earlier. I was wondering why your parents came to visit," Ally sniffled.
"Is that why you were gone? And left in the middle of a concert?" Normani asked, pulling away slightly. I nodded my head slightly, avoiding eye contact.
"He was in a really bad state..they thought we wasn't going to make it, so they called immediately."
"Is there anything we can do? Does Dinah know? I'm assuming Lauren already does," Normani places her hands on my shoulders.
"Dinah knows, yeah. In fact, she found out before me," I let out, bitterly. The fact that she knew before me definitely did not sit well with me.
"Where are they anyway?" I ask. I didn't hear yelling, maybe they stopped arguing?
"Lauren stormed out right before we went to pick you up. Dinah's probably sleeping, that girl can not function properly without her 'beauty rest' as she says," Ally responded. Right as I was about to ask more questions, we hear the bus door slam open. I turn my head to see Lauren with red puffy eyes, panting in the doorway. When she sees me her eyes get watery again.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she sobs out as she walks tow–

right past me and into the bunk area.

What the hell was that?

See? She hates you. Deal with it. You'll never be enough for her.

I look towards Ally and Normani with a confused gaze. They both shrug their shoulders and motion me to go talk to her.

Well, here goes nothing.

A/N: Someone please appreciate my edit. I know I'm not very good at it, I don't have fancy equipment for it. I don't even have a computer. PLEASE LUV ME. Have a good day :)

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