"...I need to tell you something."

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Camila's POV:
    "Camila...Camila...oh my fu- CAMILA!"
    I jolt awake, sitting up and banging my head against the top of my bunk.
    "What the-Normani? What's wrong?" I ask, rubbing my throbbing head.
    "Nothing, you overslept. Get up, you have to go to hair and make up," She pulls me out of my bunk by my arm and walks into the bathroom without another word.
    I sigh, making my way to the kitchen. Today, I have to tell Lauren today. It'll eat me alive if I don't. Speaking of eating...
    "Oh..hey, Mila," I look up to see Ally directly in front of me. "You scared me, thought I was gonna bump into you..heh," She nervously chuckled, holding a plate of toast.
    "Sorry, Ally...I'm just..gonna get some...food," I say, slowly walking around her and into the kitchen. Oh my God, can I be anymore awkward and cringy?
    I look throughout the entire kitchen. Not really feeling like eating anything at the moment, i grab the smallest banana I can find and slowly peel it, dreading having to take a bite. Weird..I've never had any problems eating a banana before no matter what.
    I feel arms wrap themselves around my waist, scaring me, causing me to choke on the bite I had just taken.
    "Oh my God..I..I'm so....so-sorry," Lauren said, trying to hold in her laughter.
    "Alright, go ahead. Laugh at me dying, it's no big deal," I jokingly said, rolling my eyes and smiling at her.
    "Well, you dying wouldn't be good, now would it? Who would I cuddle with? And how could the girls and I continue Fifth Harmony without you, the famous Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao?" She joked, actually making me feel worse.
    "Heh...yeah..You know, I'm sure you guys could continue without me, couldn't you? Like if I weren't in the group anymore?" I asked, feeling very anxious.
    "Alright, you're not dying. You can't leave the girls and I. You especially can't leave me, I haven't gotten enough of you yet. And I'm pretty sure Fifth Harmony would not be Fifth Harmony without you," She said, hugging my waist.
    I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her neck. I can't do it...No, no, I have to. If I'm going to leave, she's going to be the first to know and I need to be the one to tell her. No matter how much it hurts.
    She leaned forward to plant a loving kiss on my forehead before we heard Dinah's bunk curtain fly open, making us separate almost immediately. She walks to the other end of the kitchen and grabs a bowl and a random cereal.
    "Hey, Ralph, Walz," Dinah yawns, walking into the kitchen.
    "Hey, Dinah,"
    "Hi, DJ," Dinah's the only one, besides Lauren of course, who still calls me by a nickname that's not just "Mila" which I'm very grateful for. Even if it's awkward sometimes and it just slips even when she doesn't want to call me by a nickname, it still makes me smile. Thinking of the better times.
    "Why did no one wake me up earlier?" Dinah asks, picking up an apple and taking a bite.
    "Well, for one, no one wants to deal with waking you up. And two, it wasn't your turn for hair and make up yet," Lauren says, taking a bite of her cereal.
    "Oh, shoot. I was supposed to go a few minutes ago. See you guys later," I say, throwing away the half of the banana I didn't eat. No use in keeping it at this point, I guess.

Four Hours Before The Show

    Okay, I can either tell her before the show, or after. If i tell her before, and she reacts badly, it could affect both of our performances. If I tell her after and she reacts badly, she could ignore me until the next show. Yet, if I tell her before, I only have four hours to figure out exactly what I'm gonna say, say it, and not throw up or faint.

Three Hours Before The Show

    Yes, yes I am seriously freaking out over here. I have no idea how to even start a conversation like this. What do I say? Hey, babe. Just wanna let ya know, I'm leaving 5H. Oh, also, I'm going solo. see ya! I seriously need to figure this out, and fast.

Two Hours Before The Show

    Okay, okay, okay, okay. Breathe, Camila. It's all gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be okay. It's not like you need to tell your girlfriend something that could ruin your relationship, as well as getting ready for a performance, which definitely isn't stressful on its own. Breathe. In, out, in, out. Out, in. What if I forget how to breathe while telling her? What's wrong with me? Okay..I'm gonna do it.

One Hour Before The Show

    I couldn't do it. I was going to do it an hour ago, but I chickened out. I have to do it, today. Right now. Okay..there she is. Let's do this...Pray for me.
    "Hey, Lauren?" I approach her, head down, voice quiet.
    "Hey, Camz. Something up?" She asked, looking really worried.
    "...I need to tell you something. Come with me," I grab her hand and drag her to my changing room and lock the door.
    "Alright, babe, you're scaring me. What's going on?" She asked, grabbing both of my hands.
    "Okay, well. I've been trying to figure out how to tell you this for hours..well, technically for maybe a month or more. But...just promise me this. Never forget that I love you, okay? And never forget how you love me. Please," I beg her, staring straight into her emerald eyes.
    "Of course, I'd never forget that. I love you so much. Now, please. What do you have to tell me?" She asks, staring just as deeply into my chocolate brown eyes.
    I take a deep breath, close me eyes, and prepare for the worst.

It Hurts Too Much To Hold On (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now