You're the one

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1 Week Later
Lauren's POV:
Camila's supposed to return today. She hasn't answered any of my texts or calls. I'm not even sure if she's been checking her phone or not. Dinah and I are waiting at the airport since Dinah insisted she'd want to see us two first. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want to be overwhelmed with question, so I didn't hesitate to leave the other two at the bus. At least they agreed to stay back.
    "Do you think she's ok?" I can't help but to worry and ask questions. I still don't know why Dinah knows what's going on and I don't. Maybe because you're not good enough for her.
    "I'm sure she'll fine as she can be right now," she gave me a fake smile.
    "You can't blame me for being anxious. Keep in mind, you know what she's going through, I don't."
    "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm sure she'll tell you soon. Maybe she'll tell you today?" she pulls me into a small side hug. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even know her flight had landed and Camila was standing right in front of us already.
    "Hi, Camz!" I was really excited to see her. I mean we were inseparable and a week apart is like 10 years away from home.
    "Hey, Chanch...You good there?" Dinah put her hand on Camila's shoulder and shook her a bit. Wow, she seems really out of it. I wonder what happened during that week.
    "..Hm? Oh, uh. Yeah I'm..I'm fine," she looks down, playing with the rim of her shirt. She looks a lot paler than before. Even skinner, I didn't even think she could be any skinner. Her eyes..look so dull, dead? Like all the life had been drained from her body. Her eyes used to show this bright, fun, joyful mood all the time. Because that's who she is..or was? I'm not sure anymore. Wow, this breaks my heart. She seems so small and..fragile now. It's almost like she's a completely different person now.
"Are you sure? You don't look very fine," I say, grabbing her suitcase and pulling her and Dinah towards the exit. I would've just held Camila's hand, but then there'd be another Camren outbreak. We don't want to have one of us to have another fake boyfriend now, do we? Anyway, Camila was completely silent the entire way to the bus. She refused to make any contact with either of us, except a short hug. When we finally got there, she immediately got out, leaving her suitcase behind, and went inside. Dinah and I exchanged a look as I grabbed her suitcase and ran in. I saw Ally and Normani quietly talking with worried looks on their faces.
"Where'd she go?" I ask, setting down the suitcase. Neither of them said anything, but Ally pointed towards the bunks. I give them a small smile and make my way to the bunks. I go immediately to Camila's bunk and pull back the curtain. What I see broke my heart a little more. Camila was there, lying on her side, softly crying in the fetal position. Her eyes were shut and her hands were over her ears. Probably why she didn't hear the curtain pull back. I shake her lightly and crawl in beside her.
"I'm here. Shh, I'm here for you," I wrap my arms around her as best I could while she was in the positions. She made my job a little bit easier by stretching out and burying her face in my neck. I don't hear her cry at all, but I do feel her shake more violently and her tears cover my neck and shirt.

Dinah's POV:
I really hope she'll be ok...and Alejandro. I wonder how he's doing. Alejandro had to stay in Arizona for a bit more, staying at the Mayo Clinic not too far from CTCA. I'm not sure what they're doing over there, but hopefully they're helping him get better. I feel really bad for all of them. Oh God, how's Sofi taking this? If Camila looked that bad, how does Sofi look? Does she even know what's going on?...Does she know her father is dying?...

Camila's POV:

I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Life seems a bit pointless. But I do have the girls and the fans..and Lauren. There's something to live for. I just need to keep that in mind.

The girls
The fans

The girls
The fans


    Speaking of Lauren, she's still here. Holding me while I quietly break down. I'm not sure why she hasn't given up on me. I haven't told her anything and I've been somewhat distant. I'm very well aware of that, I just can't control it sometimes. I should tell her.

Don't, it'll just make your situation worse.

How do you know that?

She wouldn't still be here, comforting you if, she knew.

Yes, she would.

Fine, go ahead. Tell her.

"Lauren?" I whisper, my face still in her neck.
"Yes, Camz?" Ok, here it's now or never.

Wow, I never thought I'd be this nervous for anything in my life. Why am I so nervous anyway?

Because you know I'm right.

You're me, stop putting negative thoughts in my head...Why am I even talking to myself?

" dad.." Oh God, if you're gonna say it just spit it out already.

Shut the fuck up.

"Take your time, babe," she smiles at me. Just wait for that smile to disappear.

"My dad...

has cancer."


Oh no. What have I done? Is she gonna avoid me now?

Of course she is, she's not gonna wanna deal with you and all the problems your family's gonna be having.

After a few moments of her just staring at me and me silently panicking, she hugs me tighter.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Camz. Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've went to Arizona with you," She says, pulling back but not letting go completely. Please don't let me go. Please, I need you.
"I didn't know how you'd take the information..." I look away, slightly embarrassed at what I thought was gonna happen.
"What did you think–you know what, that doesn't even matter. Is there anything I can do?" There's nothing you can do to help. No one can help.
"..Just...please don't let go."
"I'll never let go. I'll never leave you. I'll always be here. I'll always love you. I didn't know I was searching for someone or something, until I found you by accident. And God, am I blessed. I will always love you because...

you're the one."

It Hurts Too Much To Hold On (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now