Chapter Three

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It was three long days before she opened the book again.

Three very long days filled with distracting thoughts of out worldly eyes looking at her with desire. Two very long nights crammed full of memories of impossible pleasure that tempted her to move past fear and disturbed her sleep.

On the third night, after slipping into her second favorite old t shirt turned night gown, the first having disappeared sometime earlier in the week, she slipped under the covers to attempt to ignore temptation and get some sleep. After tossing and turning for an hour she threw back the blanket and marched to the closest. The book sat right where she'd left it. She stared at it for a minute and then reached out to pull the feather down. The colors mingled and separated as she turned it in her fingers. Her heart thumped painfully in her chest.

What if it's true? She stepped closer to the shelf. What if it's more than a dream and he's really trapped in there?

But how could it be? Magic isn't real.

What if it is?

Before she could change her mind she set the feather aside and grabbed the book. Her fingers traced the battered leather cover as she walked back to the bed and set it on the night stand. Flipping the cover open she whispered, "Alasdair?"

She was pushed back as he appeared in front of her. "By the stars lass, I thought you were going to leave me there and forget about me."

He was dressed this time. Well sort of. A wide piece of fabric circled his hips. "Is that a plaid?"

"It is. My lords colors of course." She looked up him. He was staring at her intently. "Have you forgiven me for the way I treated you?"

"I thought I'd imagined you." The desire shining in his icy blue eyes froze her breath in her lungs.

"Still think it was a dream?" She nodded slightly, unable to look away from his eyes. "It's not a dream lass. You know what I must do."

"I think so."

He stepped closer to her tugging at the plaid, letting it fall to his feet, stepping over it to reach for her. She let him take her face in his hands frowning at the slight tremble of his fingers. "Tell me you forgive me." She nodded. "Say the words. I must know that you mean it."


"I may never be free and I don't want to think of you hating me while I can do nothing to earn your forgiveness. It would torment me for eternity."

Her hands reached up to cover his. "I forgive you," she whispered with a little smile.

His face lost some of its tension at her admission. "Thank you." He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her against the wall. "Stars lass, I could think of nothing but the feel of you these last few days." She gasped as he pushed inside her.

He could have taken more time with her, the spell was no where near it's full blown agony but he really had been thinking about her for days. Wondering if she was angry with him, hoping he had done enough to make up for his violation of her body. Reliving her cries of pleasure, imagining her face, her touch.

No he couldn't have waited. He wanted her, needed her with an intensity that rivaled the power of the spell that bound him to his prison.


For the first week after she'd opened the book and discovered him they spent every night wrapped up in each other. Two damaged lonely souls trying to soak up as much passion as they could, living in the moment determined to enjoy the fire between them while they had the chance.

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