Chapter Fifteen

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"I can't allow it," the queen said as she sat on a stool and leveled her gaze on Alasdair.

When they had returned from their visit with the unicorns the couple had joined his family for the evening meal. Afterward, when it came time for the group to separate into the smaller parlors, Alasdair had asked for a private word with the queen. Isabelle watched with an anxious knot in her stomach as the queen gave Roldan a little nod and the three of them departed.

Alasdair voiced his request as soon as the door to the queen's office closed behind him. The queen nodded towards one of the stools in front of her desk. Alasdair sank down onto it while Roldan stopped behind him. He gave Alasdair a sympathetic look when he glanced over his shoulder.

"Surely an exception can be made," Roldan said as he stepped closer to Alasdair's shoulder.

"King Kaisa suggested that as well," the queen said with a little shake of her head. "I'll admit, I was a little surprised you asked the king of the unicorns to intercede."

"Mother—" Alasdair began.

The queen stood up and walked around her desk. "I suppose that's an indication of how much you want this."

"I love her," Alasdair said quietly.

"I'm aware of your feelings. I'd have to be blind not to see how much the two of you care for each other," she said she sat on the edge of her desk and considered her sons. "The human realm is not safe for us." Both Alasdair and Roldan opened their mouths to speak. The queen raised her hand to stop them. "My duty, as a ruler, is to protect my people." She smiled slightly. "My hope, as a mother, is for my children to be happy." Alasdair's shoulders visibly relaxed. "So, I'm willing to reconsider if you can find a way to protect yourself from discovery."

"How is he supposed to do that?" Roldan asked. "His wings are over twice the size of any of the half-lings." The queen looked at Alasdair and raised one elegant eyebrow.

"King Kaisa told me about a mixed blood that practices human magic. He thinks she may be able to help," Alasdair said.

"If you can locate this creature and if she has something that will keep you from revealing your true self to humans, bring it back, and we will have this conversation again," the queen said.

"I'll help," Roldan said and clapped a hand on Alasdair's shoulder.

"You're not going," the queen said with a shake of her head. "With the current level of unrest in the borderlands it would be too dangerous." She stood up. "Haelan is the better choice as his lands are closer to the border, he is known by many of the residents. If he is willing to accompany you I'll allow it." She turned her gaze on Roldan. "Send Deamol in your place. I'm sure you can spare him for a few weeks." Roldan nodded once. "That's settled then." Alasdair stood and moved to the door. "Alasdair," she called out to him. "I do hope you're successful. In spite of what you might be feeling I would like to see the two of you together."

"Thank you," he said with a smile then slipped out into the hallway, intent on tracking Haelan down. He sighed as he walked. Once he spoke with Haelan he would have to break the news to Isabelle.


"Why do you keep doing that?" Isabelle asked in a frustrated groan. Alasdair had, once again, slipped his shaft free of her grasp. She huffed softly as he lifted her up by her waist so it was out of her reach. Her complaints were cut off briefly as he kissed her soundly. "I've let you have you way for a week now," she said as soon as her lips were free. "It's my turn."

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