Chapter Eight

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Alasdair's summons appeared at dusk the next day. It came in the form of a tall blond faerie striding out of the stand of trees in Isabelle's back yard.

Isabelle was in the kitchen putting a mug in the sink when she spotted him. "Alasdair!" She leaned closer to the window for another look, then turned to where Alasdair was sitting at the table. "There's a faerie outside."

He stood up quickly. "Are you certain?"

She nodded. "A big blond guy with wings." Alasdair was already at the french doors by the time she finished. She followed him after a moment, her heart sinking further with every step.

By the time she got to the deck the two faeries were face to face. Alasdair threw his arms around the visitor. They didn't break apart for several minutes. She waited on the deck, reluctant to intrude on what was obviously a very happy reunion.

When they did finally separate Alasdair led the newcomer to where Isabelle was standing. She took him in with wide eyes. He was dressed in plain black tousers and a long sleeved white tunic like shirt. His features were similar to Alasdair, the same aristocratic angles, the same full lips, the familiar smile. But otherwise they were completely different. The newcomer had deep brown eyes, long dark blond hair, and his wings were a kaleidoscope of browns with gold streaking through the large feathers.

"Isabelle, this is my youngest brother, Haelan."

She put her hand out but Haelan ignored it and pulled her into his arms. "Thank you," he said softly.

"You're welcome." She looked over his shoulder at Alasdair, who was grinning at the pair. "I had no idea faerie are so affectionate."

Haelan released her and stood back with a smile. "The queen has asked that you return to our realm with me," he announced.

Isabelle looked at Alasdair. "This is goodbye?" she whispered.

Alasdair reached for her hand and pulled her against him. "Lass—"

"Both of you," Haelan said as his smile grew wider. "You don't think she wants to thank you personally for freeing her son?"

Isabelle looked up at Haelan. "Really?"

"Lass." Alasdair leaned close to murmur in her ear. "It's rare for a human to be invited to court."

"Then, I'd be honoured." She smiled at Haelan. "Would you like to come in for a minute? I'll need to let Bernie know I won't be in again tomorrow and lock up." Haelan waved them ahead of him then came inside. He waited in the living room while the two lovers disappeared in different directions. Alasdair went upstairs to get something he wouldn't say anything about and Isabelle went to the front entry to lock the doors and get her purse. She sent a text to Bernie to let him know where she was going.

Take all the time you need dear. He replied. Perhaps I'll see you there.

She texted her thanks then went to wait with Haelan. He was watching the stairs. Alasdair come down a minute later. He smiled and patted the satchel he had thrown over his shoulder when Isabelle asked him what he went to get. Haelan led them back outside and waited while Isabelle locked the back doors. The three of them crossed the yard and made their way through the trees to the little stream. Alasdair held Isabelle back while Haelan moved away from the pair and murmured the incantation to open the portal to the faerie realm.

"Humans are not permitted to have this incantation," Alasdair explained quietly. Isabelle nodded with a little smile of understanding. It would hardly be a secret world if everyone could get in.

The portal wasn't as extravagant as she was expecting. There were no bright lights or loud sounds. It was just a large circular shimmering that appeared in front of Haelan. He looked back at the couple for a second then turned and stepped through. Alasdair pulled Isabelle forward. She squeezed his hand as they stepped into the shimmering and then into a dense forest. The bright colours stung her eyes, making her blink a few times. She looked back at the shimmering, it was already starting to fade.

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