Chapter Fourteen

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Everyone could see the happiness on Alasdair's face when the couple emerged from the cave. The males attributed it to a stolen moment with his lover. Amie was still in a huff and didn't bother with trying to reason the why of it.

Only Andrelle suspected the cause. Her suspicions were confirmed with a look from Isabelle. She gave the human a little smile and handed her the folded up sling. Isabelle hugged it to her chest as Alasdair lifted her in his arms. The group returned to the castle and everyone made to head off on their own for the rest of the afternoon.

"Lass, I need a moment with my brothers," Alasdair said as soon as they landed.

"Sure, I'll go freshen up." She turned and walked down the hall towards their room.

Alasdair waited till she was out of earshot then turned to Haelan and Roldan. "Were the packs consulted?" he asked.

Both Haelan and Roldan knew what he was referring to. "When Bernie heard what was stolen he brought the news to mother. She had him take it to the Alpha Council. They haven't found anything further," Haelan answered.

"Were they able to confirm if it was White Claw?" Alasdair asked.

"No one could tell if it was real based on the picture. It's likely a reproduction since the original vanished over three hundred years ago," Haelan said.

"And the killer, did they find them?" There was a hopeful note in Alasdair's voice.

Roldan shook his head. "Unfortunately no. If it was a rogue wolf, which it could have been given his wounds, the council will deal with them if they're ever found."

Alasdair's breath escaped in a frustrated sigh. Injustice always grated on his nerves. "The alliance?"

"Still in place," Haelan said then clapped a hand on Alasdair's shoulder. "Which is good because your lady love resides in close proximity to three strong packs."

"Three?" Alasdair frowned then looked down the hall.

"Don't worry, Bernie alerted them to your presence before he gave the book to her," Haelan said.

"I'd still be cautious. The Blackwell pack has been unsettled since the heir left," Roldan said with a shake of his head. "How he could just walk away like I'll never understand."

"That's because you've never been in love," Haelan said.

"What happened?" Alasdair asked softly.

"He renounced his birthright after the council refused to allow him to turn a human," Haelan answered. "She was pregnant with his child."

"Stars," Alasdair swore. "They let her die?"

Roldan nodded. "If he truly loved her he would have protected her from himself." Haelan and Alasdair nodded in agreement.

"It's a good thing faerie don't have that same issue with humans huh?" Haelan gave Alasdair a brotherly shove in the direction Isabelle had gone.

"Thank the stars," Alasdair said as he looked down the hall.

Isabelle had extracted another promise from him before they'd left the cave, to keep the knowledge of the baby to himself until the quickening. He knew it was common practice but the news burned on the tip of his tongue, waiting to be told to anyone and everyone who would listen. So he couldn't tell his brothers just how grateful he was in that moment. Though he knew, promise or no promise, if he had to he would break any law necessary if it meant saving Isabelle and their unborn child.

"Before I forget," Haelan said with a little smile. "Isabelle was asking about unicorns. I told her she should ask you to take her to see them."

A broad smile spread across Alasdair's face. "I could use a long flight to stretch my wings. Where has my gear been stored?"

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