Chapter Twenty One

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 It took some convincing to get Alasdair to agree to stay the night at Haelan's estate before continuing on to the capital. They had arrived late in the afternoon, Haelan and Deamol were exhausted from trying to keep up with the pace Alasdair had set. He was intent on speaking with the queen and getting back to Isabelle without any further delay.

"Brother," Haelan implored, "I understand that you're impatient but you need to rest so you're clear headed should you need to reason with our mother."

"He's right," Deamol said.

Alasdair looked at the two of them, saw the weariness on their faces, and nodded with a lusty sigh. "Fine, but we leave first thing in the morning."

Haelan gave him a quick nod then turned to Deamol. "Will you be continuing on to Roldan's estate?"

"I spoke with him yesterday evening, he was planning to go to the capital this morning." Deamol smiled at Alasdair. "He's going to support your request."

Alasdair grinned. "I'll need his voice to drown out Malin's protests."

"What about mine?" Haelan asked with a frown.

"Yours to little brother." Alasdair threw an arm around his brother's shoulder and dragged him forward. "Come lads, it's been weeks since we've had a proper bath. Let's wash the road from ourselves then see what delights the cooks have prepared for supper." He stopped when Deamol fell behind them. "Aren't you coming?"

"No your highness. I'll just—" He looked out the window toward the treetop garrison.

"Your mission isn't over till you deliver me safely to the capital," Alasdair said then reached out and grabbed the guard's forearm to pull him down the hallway. "A long hot shower, a good meal, and some elven wine will help you feel a little better."

"I think I'd prefer dwarven whiskey," Deamol said as he was dragged along.

Alasdair stopped in front of a bedroom door, one of the five guest rooms on that level of the castle, and let go of him. "I'm sorry about Ceri," he said softly as Deamol opened the door.

The guard stepped across the threshold then turned to the brothers. "It's not over for us," he said quietly. Both Haelan and Alasdair nodded to him then turned to make their way to their own rooms.

"I wonder," Alasdair said as they walked. "Do you think Roldan could use an amulet?"

Haelan laughed as he opened the door to his room. His mirth was abruptly cut off as Alasdair shoved him inside with a grin then kept walking. Haelan stumbled to a stop and marched to the door. "Stop doing that!" The door slammed shut and Haelan snorted as Alasdair's laugh receded down the hall. He threw his pack on the bed as he walked to the washroom. He sighed softly as he turned on the water in the shower. Bathing in rivers for the previous month and a half had been adequate but stars it was good to be home.

                                                                                    * * * 

The next day the trio arrived in the capital mid morning and went straight to the castle. Roldan, having been forewarned of their impending arrival via an early morning chat with Haelan, was waiting for them on the throne room's balcony. As soon as he saw them in the distance he sent a servant to alert the queen. She arrived within moments of their landing. Malin was right behind her.

Deamol bowed his head to the family then went to wait near the stairwell. After what he'd been through he wanted to see first hand how it went for Alasdair. Perhaps if the queen relented it would make his own heartache worth it. He smiled has he leaned back against the wall. No doubt Ceri would want an update when he returned to the settlement.

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