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My foolishness made me giggle as I struggle a bit with pulling my head out of my over-sized yellow sweater, pulling at the hem a little so that I could adjust it right. I looked at myself in my body mirror, twisting and turning a little as I checked my outfit out. With my sweater, I'm wearing a plain black pair of leggings because I kind of already devoted myself in wearing plain black leggings for the rest of my life. I don't know, they're just really comfy and they fit well, to be honest.

I don't have anything planned out for today so I decided that I might as well just try to dress as decent and comfortable as I can. Being home-schooled in a huge house may have its numerous perks but to be honest, it's kind of boring once you get used to the everyday routines. Especially on weekends. Weekends are extra boring because I tend to finish all my work by Friday night. Also, I don't have any brothers or sister, so there's that; it's always just been me and my dad.

"Hi, princess." My dad greeted, smiling at me fondly as he looked up from his phone. "Hungry?"

I nodded, going to the kitchen and stood on my tiptoes, grabbing the box of Cap'n Crunch with a little struggle. I grabbed my favorite cereal bowl, the milk and my own favorite spoon. "Dad, I'm bored." I announced as I sat down on from across where my dad is entertaining himself with his phone.

"Have you finished your practice sheets?" He asked, looking at me momentarily before dropping his gaze back to his device.

I poured myself a great amount of milk, followed by my chosen breakfast. "Mm mm, done and submitted." I answered proudly. "So, I'm bored now."

"Kells, it's not even past eight yet." My dad chuckled, shaking his head a little and I got slightly distracted with the way his curls bounced on his head, making me giggle to myself.

"That's my point. I want to do something." I whined with a pout, sounding like a small child but that's okay, my dad's used to me by now. Besides, although he wouldn't admit it to me, I know he likes that he could spoil and baby me. He's protective of me and at the same time, he would give anything that I'd ask him, His the best dad anyone could ask for, to be honest.

"D'you want to call Jenna? Hangout or go to the mall?" He suggested, an eyebrow raised and already fishing for his wallet to most probably hand me some cash. I have my own credit and debit cards but whenever I'd go out, my dad still hands me cash, just in case, he says.

"Hmmm, maybe later this afternoon?" I murmured amidst mouthful of the cold, sweet breakfast, and mindlessly shoving a hefty amount more of the cereals, carelessly letting the milk drip down to my chin. Wordlessly, my dad grabbed a tissue and handed it to me, making me giggle a little. "Whoops."

"Music classes?" He suggested again, making me think for a little while but then I just shook my head, pouting and shoving another spoonful of cereals in my mouth.

"I've been thinking of learning guitar but I really don't like the teacher in the studio." I pouted, really not fond of Mr. Iero. He's our neighbor who also happens to be a music tutor in the studio downtown and also, he's a very handsome man but whenever he sees me, he always scare me. He finds enjoyment in startling me, I don't know why.

"Then let's go find a different teacher." My dad said, checking his wrist watch for the time, which is like a silent cue that he has to leave soon. Despite having more than enough, my dad still goes to work but every morning, he actually waits for me to come down so that he'd be able to sit with me while I eat my breakfast. I appreciate my dad a lot. I know that it must be very hard to be a single parent but he makes it work. He takes care of our very little of a family and I am thankful for him eternally.

"I think I want to do something not related to music or art this time. I want to do something not ordinary, dad." I said, gulping down the remaining milk in my bowl.

"Well," he stood up at the same exact time as I pushed myself off of my chair, grabbing up bowl and going to the sink to leave it there for the time being. "What if you spend your time today looking for stuff that you might be interested in doing and when I come home later tonight, we'll talk about it. Sound good?" I nodded eagerly, really liking his idea this time. "Good. I have to go now, Kells. See you later. Stephanie is in the laundry room, call her is you need anything, 'kay?" I nodded and went to kiss his cheek, a big smile on my face now.

"Bye, love you!"


As I went back up to my room, I grabbed a pair of baby blue fuzzy socks from my drawer, pulling them on carelessly, marching to my bed and jumping to it with a grunt. I grabbed my laptop off of its charger and typed in my password, pushing it near the end of my bed as I settled to a comfy position with my chest against the mattress, elbows keeping me up as I rested my chin against my palm.

After my dad left, I felt too determined to find something. As usual, I found a good amount of music classes ads here and there but I didn't want that. I wanted something different, something out of my routine, something I haven't even thought of doing ever.

After seeing a posting about, yet again, another music class, I then decided to call Jenna because to be honest, this seemingly failing search is frustrating me. "Kells!" She beamed from the other end of the line, making me giggle. I then pushed myself off of my cross-legged position, dropping myself against my massive bed, head successfully landing against the hundreds of pillows that I have.

"Jen! Hey, are you busy?"

"Not really." There was a short pause and I could almost hear her smiling from where she is, already knowing my following request.

"Come over?" I suggested, smiling goofily as I fiddled with the loose thread from my favorite black kitten plushie. My dad gave this to me when I was eight and although I've received many more toys from various holidays and birthdays from various people, I'd still pick this one over any of them. I named him Pickles.

"Be there in a few!" And just like that, the line went flat and I threw my phone back on its original position. I ran downstairs, grabbing an awful lot of concoction of food, hugging different types of bags of chips and sweets to my chest as I struggled to keep them balancing atop of each other.

"You need help, Kells?" Steph asked from behind me, giggling to herself a little, which made me giggle, too. I probably look too ridiculous.

"It's okay, I've got it, Steph." I mumbled against the bag that's completely covering my face.

She giggled again, "Jenna coming over?" I only nodded a little. "Alright, call me if you need anything, alright?"

"Will do, Steph. Thanky!" I answered back as I strutted back to my room. Stephanie has been our house helper for more over eight years now. She applied when she was only eighteen, said she really needed a job to help cover up her mom's hospital expenses. Though my dad and I thought that we didn't need a helper, we took her in since she seemed nice and it was proven years ago. She's usually just quiet and reserved but my dad and I always invite her over on the table whenever we eat so that she wouldn't feel too excluded and all. We also lover her family, her mom's really sweet and she always send Steph off with her homemade cake, never missing my dad and I's birthdays for the past eight years.

I dumped all our food beside my laptop as I checked my phone and before I could even reply to Jenna's last message, my bedroom door swung open, making me jump from my place. "Jen!" I squeal as she practically approached me with an almost bone-crushing embrace. "Can't... breathe..."

"Oops." She giggled, unwrapping her arms from me. "Anyways, what's the emergency call about?" She queried, jumping on my bed with a bounce as she looked at the screen of my laptop.

"I decided that I want to do something new, something exciting." I told her simply, grabbing Pickles and hugging him close to my chest. "Help me?"

"Ooh, that seems interesting." She beamed, showing off her pearly whites. "Hey is it okay if I stay over?"

"Of course! D'ya bring clothes 'cause you know we have church tomorrow morning." I asked her seriously and she nodded enthusiastically, pointing to her bag that she just dumped near my door.

"'Course!" We both laughed and proceeded to look for something that I could do. Although days could be a drag sometimes, I'm just so glad that I have a best friend who's always willing to come over even on a last minute call.

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