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"Ooh, are we gonna read Romeo and Juliet next? I think we should read that next, please please please!" I excitedly told my teacher, making him chuckle and shake his head a little, scouting through his messenger bag for the novel that we'll be discussing next. We just finished reading Jane Eyre and although quite lengthy, I enjoyed it very much. There were parts that I found quite hard to understand but Mr. Perry helped me through them so it's okay. I fell in love with the book and recently found out that there's a movie version! Maybe I can get Vic to watch it with me.

"Nope, not Romeo and Juliet." He says.

"But that's like the ultimate Shakespeare classic! I want to read it, please can we discuss that one instead?"

"Kells, you don't even know yet what material we'll be reading next." He chuckles, laying out a slightly worn out green book in front of me and he sighs. "We're reading Twelfth Night."

"Twelfth Night?" I repeat in wonderment. "This is Shakespeare's?" My teacher nods, confirming my curiosity. "I haven't heard of this one before." I say, scanning the book as if it's such an alien thing in front of me. Seriously, I haven't heard of Twelfth Night before. I know Macbeth and Hamlet but I'm not familiar with this one.

"Twelfth Night has around 3 main characters, Viola, Olivia and Duke Orsino. It involves quite a few names and a couple of twists in the names and aliases so I suggest you read it and look for guides online. But, don't be a lazy and turn in to reading summaries online, okay?" Mr. Perry instructed, typing a few notes and reminders for me before sending it to my e-mail instantly. "Try reading and understanding the entire first Act and we'll discuss it tomorrow."

"Okay, I will." I mumble, already reading the first few pages, which are basically just stuff about the play and Shakespeare himself. I like reading but honestly, I still find it quite difficult reading plays since the formulation of words are old-style and they can be quite difficult to understand especially if you're to read it just one time.

"Alright, if you don't have any more questions, I'll be off now." He says, stretching his arms up with a loud yawn, making me giggle, tucking the book in my hands. "Also, your dad told me to remind you about your church work this afternoon." I only nodded and we walked to the front door, closing it behind me with a sigh once his car zooms away from our house.

We did a lot of reading today with History and Literature and although I am in love with words, I could still feel a headache drilling through my head. That doesn't matter, though. At least I get to see and hang out with Vic today! So, with that in mind, I went up to my room to get ready for this afternoon.


"What are we gonna do today?" I ask Vic while I fix my over-sized flannel, the material falling off of my shoulder annoyingly, making me huff out in frustration. It's not particularly cold today but it's still kind of chilly so I settled with this flannel instead of a jacket. I think I hoarded this from Jenna, not quite sure, but it looks more like her style and I like it so I snatched it from her closet the last time I slept over at her house. Speaking of my best friend, I've been itching to text her since last night. I feel guilty, truly, but I still feel weird whenever I'm getting these flashbacks of yesterday. It felt like a moment between us and I don't know why we had it and why it had me all weirdly interested.

I look up at Vic and see him watching me mindlessly, eyes trailing down my feet, making me self-conscious all over again. "Vic?"

"Um, yeah. We have to look through these boxes and sort out the papers, is all." He says, shaking his head a little and crouching down to get the huge box with ease, arms flexing and muscles coming into view and oh my, oh my, my mind's going crazy. Ugh, he's so attractive! "D'ya want to work in the office upstairs?" He asks and I nod. I don't want to stay down here and be eaten away by nasty cockroaches. "I like your outfit. You look nice." He says once he settled down the box in the middle of the floor and I flopped down in front of it, his snide comment making me blush.

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