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"But seriously! You should read that one, I'll lend you my book, if you want." I suggest eagerly, Alan's face brightening to the idea.

"Really? I've been eyeing it in the bookstore since last Summer but I didn't have a job back then so I couldn't really buy it. I also want to read it like, from the actual book. I don't want to read it online."

"They have a copy of it online?"

"Almost all books can be downloaded online, Kells." Alan chuckles, shoulder bumping against mine as we walk side by side, the sun setting idly. I spent around two hours just hanging around in the diner, Mimi and Alan keeping me company. Around six pm, Joe arrived and I thought I should be heading home because I didn't want to stay out too late. They insisted Alan to walk me home, in which I declined because I didn't want to bother him or take him out before the end of his shift but they really didn't want me to walk alone so here we are now.

"Oh? I didn't know that!" I huff, arms crossing in front of my chest. "Hm, I think I want to read from the physical book itself, too. It feels more real or something."

"Yes, same here. I'd always want to read off of the physical copy because it feels more real? I don't know, it's weird." He says, kicking a lone pebble on the concrete. "And I'm really sentimental even with the smallest things. I want to keep a copy with me especially if I liked the book. I want to remind myself of how I felt the first time I read it." He adds. "Damn, is that too weird?"

"No." I giggle. "I get what you mean. I guess that's how I feel about books, too. I really do love reading, so.."

"Oh, yeah, same." He says, jamming his hands inside his jeans pockets. "Have you read The Catcher in the Rye?"

I look at him with squinted eyebrows, really clueless. "No. What's it about?"

"It's a classic! What if I let you borrow my book and you let me borrow your copy of The Beginning of Everything?" Alan asks, smile on his face as he stopped walking, hand held out in front of me, waiting for me to shake it to seal the deal. I didn't need to think about it, I am curious as to why that particular book is his favorite. I shook his hand with a giggle, feeling his warm skin against mine and due to the warmth being too comforting, it went straight to my cheeks.

"Deal." I say through amused breath and he nods, our hands in a deal-like shake between us. We walked a block more until we reached my house in which he looked at with pure-awe.

"Jeez. You live there?" He asks, eyes skimming through the front of our home and I giggle at him, nodding and walking all the way to the front porch. Alan snapped momentarily out of his little trance and jogged up to catch up with me.

"Yup, been living here since I was little." I say, opening the door with my key. "You want a drink or something?" I ask as I open the door and he looked really tempted with the offer but he smiled sadly and I pouted instantly.

"I think I should go back, help my aunt and Joe close up." He says, looking really apologetic and I really want him to stay even for a bit because I actually enjoy his company. I was even planning on showing him my other favorite books so that we could talk about them some more. I got too excited when I found out that he's as obsessed with books as me. I've never met someone who's as fond of books as me and meeting him and sharing knowledge about it got me really excited.

"Oh. Alrighty, then." I mumble, forcing up a smile instead.

"Don't be like that. I don't want to see you sad like that." He says, stepping closer in front of me, looking really guilty now. "Next time, okay?"


"Yeah, really." He says with a chuckle.

"You promise?" I pout and he smiles wide, pinching my cheek a little, making me blush.

Church Boy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now