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"Vic." I breathe out, half of my face covered by my hair due to the wind that blew past me while I basically ran my way downstairs. I got nervous! I didn't know what I was doing and why I was feeling so lost just looking at Jenna. Oh gosh and I just left here up there in my room! "What- um, what brings you here?" I ask, pushing back down the lump clogging up my throat due to the nervousness mixed with adrenaline pumping through me.

"I got worried, you didn't show up this afternoon." He says and gosh, I forgot about my afternoon session at church. It's supposed to be my first day back since I caught the flu. Ugh! My aunt Gab wouldn't be too pleased to hear about this, for sure.

I tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear, shaking my head a little. "Oh, um, I'm sorry. It kinda slipped my mind." I say, scratching my arm all shy and small. He nods, smiling at me and surprising me by kissing my cheek. He kissed my cheek, ohmygosh. All of my previous worries and confusions faltered off because ohmygosh Vic just kissed my cheek.

"Um, are you busy?"

I shake my head hurriedly. "No, um, I was just, uh, c-come in." I went over a few words which most probably didn't make much sense but the blush that rose to my cheeks were enough to stop me from further humiliating myself in front of Vic. "You got worried?" I ask, still cannot believe that my crush actually took notice of my absence and took the time to come here to check up on me. Seriously, Vic could be sweet when he wants to and I'm realizing how much I adore this sweet side of him.

"Yeah, I was looking forward to hanging out with you today." He says, smiling with his eyes twinkling attractively. "Even though it would've been just inside a church, fixing shit." He adds, ruffling my hair as I just stand there in front of him smiling dreamily up at him, feeling like a lost little puppy who depends on its owner for validation.

"M'sorry. It really just slipped in my mind." I pouted and he smiles at me, that goofy lopsided smile of his.

"It's alright. We can just catch up-"

"Kellin?" My best friend called from the staircase, head peering as she looks for me from upstairs. Once her doe eyes lands on Vic and I, her face fell. "Oh. Didn't know you have company." She almost scoffs, a snide roll of her eyes.

"Oh, shit. Did I interrupt you guys?" Vic chimes, looking apologetic as his hand softly touches the small of my back and the simple contact made these little currents go through my skin, as if trying to wake me up due to their little shocks. I literally almost jump away, honestly. "I'd just go-"

"No! We just got home from the mall and Jenna's just about to leave." I stopped him because I really don't want him to go, my flimsy fingers wrapping around his calloused hand without so much of a thought.

"Hm. Yeah, I guess I was just about to fucking leave." Jenna sneers and then it just occurred to me what I just said and how it probably came across to Jenna. My eyes are wide and Vic is quiet beside me as my best friend goes back to my room, the door slamming shut after a few seconds, the girl reappearing down the staircase with a hard expression on her face. The entire time, I just held onto Vic, not knowing what to do and how I'd stop Jen from going but do I really want to stop her? I'm feeling kind of weird around her right now so I guess this is a good thing?

"You two have fun." She says with a smile that for once didn't quite reach her eyes and not even a second after speaking, her lips fell into a small line, eyebrows meeting together, face clearly showing one of irritation. Just like before, she closed the front door with so much force, slamming it without a care.

"She's mad." I mumbled mostly to my self, in which Vic hummed in to.

"I could've just left, y'know? I didn't know you two were hanging out." He says, going in front of me, his hands found their way to my hips, making me blush like mad. My hands are trapped in between us, shaking against his chest because wow, a lot of things are overwhelming me right now and this just slows things down a little bit and though still quite nervous in front of Vic, frankly, I'm not really complaining how close we are right now.

"I- um, it's okay. I'm sure Jenna doesn't mind." I say, now too lost deep into his eyes. His eyes are the prettiest that I've seen, especially now that I'm this close to him. "Your eyes are so pretty." I managed to squeak out without so much of a though, which conveniently, made me blush more, of course.

"But your's are gorgeous." He says and he's smiling this smile that makes me want to just stay here with him for days to end. My stomach's acting crazy with admiration towards this guy, my heart beating so fast, I'm amazed that I haven't passed out yet. His smile, that's one of the major things that I like about him most, I figured. He rarely shows it to people but when he do, it's something that could get anyone hung up on him.



"I wanna kiss you." With another charming smile from him, I didn't need to be told twice, my shaky lips going over to his, kissing him with so much adoration. I am mindless whenever I'm with him, I figured.


"You sure you don't want to stay for dinner, Vic?" My dad asks, not looking up from his phone as he tries to mimic the recipe from this video that he bragged about the second he got home, bags of groceries towering over him. He looked crazy but this is my dad that we're talking about, he's kind of a coo-coo when he wants to be.

"It's okay, sir. My dad's expecting me to go home soon so I better get going." Vic says and I turn to him with my bottom lip jutted out. I tried to convince him to stay a while ago by peppering his face with so much kisses (while my dad wasn't looking, of course) but to no avail. He insisted that he has to be home early today.

"Alright. D'ya need a ride?" My dad offers, finally looking up and slightly annoyed that he cannot figure out which measuring utensil he should use, I giggle at him.

"Oh, I should be fine, sir. It's a short walk, anyways." He says.

"Okay, off you go now, before it goes out too dark." My dad flashes Vic a smile and shoos me, silently telling me to walk Vic up to the front door. I smiled giddily and walked side-by-side with Vic, a feeling of a light tug on my chest. I really don't want him to leave so soon.

"You sure you really can't stay?" I ask once we were outside, away from my dad's nosey self.

"Sorry, Kells. Maybe next time?"

"Alright. You promise?" I confirm, holding out my pinky finger in front of us and he laughs.

"I promise." He says, linking our fingers and thumbs together and that alone made me smile, looking up at him and silently taking in his features under the dim light of our front porch. He's still glowing against the sun setting, it's so amusing to me. "Go now." He says with a smile, nodding to the house and I pouted once again.

"Vic!" I whine, my pout jutting profusely, wordlessly telling him to give me a kiss goodbye and he shakes his head, laughing a little.

"You're too cute, Kells." And he steps closer to me and I closed my eyes, anticipating his warm lips on mine but I felt him kiss my forehead instead, still making me giggle, nonetheless. "Okay, get your cute face in there now." And I comply this time, waving at him a little as I close the door behind me, sliding down against the wooden material with a dramatic sigh.

"It doesn't take too long to walk someone out and bid goodbye, Kells." My dad shouts sarcastically from the kitchen and I scramble up to my feet, cheeks going hot as before going back to my previous position on the bar stool, watching my dad attempt to make us a decent dinner without Steph. 

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