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"God damn it, ow!" Mr. Iero sneers, slamming the door of their car shut, scratching the back of his head as it clearly came in contact with the hard material of the car when he was stepping out.

"H-hi, Mr. Iero." My voice quaked as I kept my hands folded behind me, biting my lip in the anticipation of the man commenting something that would throw me off-guard, most probably.

"Oh, look! You're the kid from.." He thinks of it, glancing around the neighborhood and to the houses before pointing a finger to our house. "that one, right?" He asks and I nod meekly, making him laugh. "Jokes. Duh." He then huffed out a breath, blowing a few strands of his hair away from his face before turning to his heel and walking away from me.

"Oh, wait! Sir, I-"

"Kid, what is it with you and being too damn polite? Don't call me sir, it's weird coming it from someone other than Gerard, jesus." He comments, making me really confused but I paid little mind to it, jogging up to catch up to him. For a short man, he sure does walk fast.

"I, um, are you busy? Like,"

"No, I have all the time in the world. Oh, please, waste it." He sings, kicking their front door open and I just stood in their front porch, unmoving and ready to apologize.

"Oh. Sorry, I guess I'll just-"

"Fuck off, Frank. No, it's okay, hun. What's up?" Gee emerged from what it seems to be is their kitchen. I took notice of him wearing a very colorful apron, his hands with a faint color of blue on them and he notices me looking at them, making him chuckle. "Oops, sorry 'bout this. I was just washing my art stuff."

"Oh. If you're busy, it's okay. I was just-"

"Oh, no, please do waste our time." Mr. Iero once again intervenes with a huge grin, his head appearing on the rectangular window they have that separates the kitchen and the living room. In return, Gee flicks his forehead, making him scratch it with a scoff.

"Don't mind this asshole. Anyway, you were saying?"

"No, it's okay. You two seem busy so I'll just-"

"We're both busy around 3 to 4 in the afternoon, 9 to 10 in the evening and maybe 6 to 6:30 in the morning. Other than that, we're all yours!" Mr. Iero shouts from the kitchen, making me quirk an eyebrow. It seems like it's a joke because he's cackling like mad but Gee just rolled his eyes, clearing the remaining paint off of his hands as best as he could with the black rag that he has.

"Come, sit. You want anything to drink? Coffee?"

"No thanks. I don't drink coffee, um, yeah." I'm getting really nervous now. I don't really talk to them on a normal basis. Like I said, I only really have one friend that I consider to talk to whenever I need someone's advice and right now, she isn't much of a help.

"Oh, you're missing out." Gee chuckles, a shake of his head following afterwards as he sips from his tumbler. "Anyways, go, what's up?"

We sat down in the living room and I feel antsy. Maybe I shouldn't have been too easy going with my decisions. Clearly, this must be weird for them. When did I ever talked to them without my dad beside me? Never, that's when. They're close with my dad but I never had a realy, actual conversation with them before. "I- uh, I don't know if this is going to be weird. I mean, sorry if I'm being a bother right now, it's just- it's just that I really need to talk to someone about this."

"You're pregnant?" Gee declares, looking at me with a blank expression and awaiting for a response. To that thought, Mr. Iero comes running from the kitchen, flopping down on the space beside Gee.

"There can be miracles?" Mr. Iero asks with wide eyes.

I giggle, hand covering my mouth. "No, I don't think that's possible, Gee." I say through my short breaths and laughter.

Church Boy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now