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"And then, Viola revealed herself to everyone so they all saw that she isn't really Sebastian!" My teacher laughs, teeth on full-display as he smiles that signature smile of his, typing stuff in his computer as he listens to me narrate the things that I learned about Twelfth Night through the movie adaptation.

"I assume you liked the film?"

"Very much!"

"How's the book then?" He asks, a knowing look on my face and I pout at him. "The movie might be good but we're still going to talk about the play itself."

"I'm reading it again! It's kinda hard to understand but I get it now. The movie really helped." I say, smiling up at him as he shakes his head. For another hour and a half, we continued studying about other notable writers and lightly tackling Maths. I told him that I'm getting a little bit light-headed due to information overload so he let me off the hook, saying that we'll just continue studying tomorrow.

I was really contemplating whether I should attend my afternoon help today or if I should just tell everyone that I forgot about it again. The temptation is really strong because I'm scared to face Vic. He was mad, that was too obvious, but I still kinda want to see him. I miss hanging out with him and talking and laughing and, okay, the kisses. He makes me feel so warm and wanted and I just want to be near him so bad but I'm scared of how he'll maybe ignore me the entire time.

With my head hung low and the strap of my backpack nearly falling off of my shoulder, I pushed the door to the church's office, greeting the grumpy lady as she handed me the log-in sheet without so much of an emotion on her face. With a nod of approval, I am off to the office upstairs, where Vic and I worked yesterday. I know he'll be there because he's nowhere to be seen downstairs and I remember him telling me that those are the only two places that we'd be dealing with for the mean time.

I open the door and as expected, he's in the room. He's sitting on a chair behind the sole desk, four piles of papers in front of him as he looked up at me. His soft expression turned into one that hurt me so much, I just wanted to turn around and walk away. I don't want to disappoint my aunt Gab, though, so I just sucked it all up and walked to the couch and dropped my bag, not peeping a word.

"Get that box over there and sort them out. I'll go get the paper shredder in the office downstairs." He instructed, voice so cold, as if he's talking to someone he just met. It hurt. I like him so much and I thought he feels the same way but the way he spoke was like he doesn't know me at all.

I croak a small okay before he left me to myself, tears welling in my eyes that I have to bit down my lip to stop them from shaking. I hate this, I don't like being in such a weird atmosphere where I don't know where I stand.

Trying to get my head off of the horrible slump, I grabbed a box containing so much paper and sat on the beaten down couch with the brown thing on my lap. I don't even know how I'll sort these. Sort them according to what? Ugh, I wish I could just call Jenna again and make her come and pick me up, no matter how childish that may seem to everyone.

Vic came back, startling me a little as the door opened, making his presence known. "Check the dates of the files, anything older than 2011, put them in one pile and they should be shredded afterwards." He instructed, setting the paper shredder thing on the floor in front of me. "Okay?" He asks, confirming if I get what he instructed. I only really nodded, not having the strength to look up at him and reply a decent response.

I obviously did something to upset him the other day, now here we are, him not talking to me and me, being all glum and not knowing what to do with myself. I don't know if I can even push myself to say something to Vic. Should I apologize? For what, though? My dad always tells me that I should only apologize if I'm well-aware of my faults, that I shouldn't apologize for something that I don't know of, if that makes sense. Right now, that thought's slipping off of my mind and I just want to apologize just so that he'd talk to me again. I just want to take the blame for anything just to end this weird tension between us.

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