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“What does it say?”  My best friend asks from the other room.  I’m in my bedroom, lying on my bed, panicking.  I start pacing my room with the little stick in my hand, trying to process everything.

“It says positive.”  I finally answer my best friend. 

“You need to take a few more.”  My best friend says, storming into my bedroom.

“I’ve taken like five.  It is what it is.  I’m pregnant.”  I say quietly.  I sit on the edge of my bed, covering my face with my hands.

“Are you going to tell Torstein?”  She asks me nervously.  She sits down next to me and rubs my back.  Of course I have to tell Torstein.  I can’t hide this from him, but I have no idea how he’ll respond to him.

“Yeah.  He gets home tonight.  I’ll tell him then.”  I tell my best friend.  Torstein and I have been together for a little over a year.  He was never a commitment kind of guy.  He never usually had a serious girlfriend, and then he met me.  He chased me for months until I finally agreed to go out with him.  I had always liked him, but I’m not into players, which he definitely was.  I was apprehensive to date him, but things have been amazing between us…until now.  It shocks everybody that we’re still together.

“I know Tor is gone a lot for work, but he’d probably make a great dad.”  My best friend says.  She’s right on both accounts.  Torstein is literally always on the move with snowboarding, but he’s always been good with kids.


I get all dolled up to pick up Torstein from the airport. I haven’t seen him in a few weeks and I want to look cute before I get really pregnant.  I’m not showing yet.

“BABE!!”  Torstein shouts as he walks out of the airport with all his bags.  He drops all his luggage as soon as he sees me and come sprinting at me.  He crashes into me, picking me up off my feet, and kisses me in front of everyone at the airport.  I hold tightly onto him and kiss him back. 

“I’ve missed you.”  I say while Torstein puts me back down on my feet.

“I’ve missed you so fucking much, y/n.”  Torstein replies.  The next thing I know, Tor is on one knee.

“What are you doing?”  I ask as a bunch of people stare at us. 

“Y/n, we’ve been together a while now.  I’ve never loved anybody as much as I love you.  That’s never going to change.  You’re my person.  You’re the one.  Will you marry me?”  Torstein asks while pulling a tiny box from his pocket.  My heart starts beating uncontrollably.  I never would have ever expected this.  I’m in complete shock.  An on looker chants “SAY YES SAY YES”

“Tor, are you sure?”  I ask, which is completely unromantic, but this isn’t usual behavior for him.

“So fucking sure.”  He answers, exposing the beautiful diamond ring in the box.  It’s stunning.

“Yes.”  I say as tears start flowing down my cheeks.  I’m not really a crier, but this is easily the sweetest thing Torstein has ever done. 

“Oh thank god.”  Torstein says, coming off his knee and kissing me again.  The crowd cheers in the background, but my focus is completely on Torstein kissing me.


The next morning I crawl out of bed feeling really anxious.  I try to stay quiet while Tor sleeps, but my pacing must wake him.

“Babe, come back to bed.”  Torstein mumbles in a sleepy voice.  He’s barely awake.

“I have to tell you something, Tor.”  I say.  Torstein must hear the panic in my voice because he sits up and looks directly at me.

“Are you changing your mind about marrying me?”  Torstein says, half joking, half being serious. 

“No.”  I laugh.  I take a deep breath before spitting out what I need to tell him.  “Tor, I’m pregnant.”

“Is it mine?”  Torstein jokes without missing a beat. 

“This is not a joke!!”  I exclaim.  Typical Torstein, making a joke at a serious moment.  I love that and hate that about him.

“I know babe, I’m sorry.  This is good news, though.”  Torstein says as he’s getting out of bed. 

“It is?”  I ask shyly.

“Yeah.  We love each other, we’re getting married, and we have the money to support a kid.  I don’t see how this could be a bad thing.”  Torstein tells me.  He pulls me into a hug and I rest my head on his shoulder.

“You’re really happy about this?”  I ask again.  I know Torstein; he’s never said a thing about wanting kids.  He’s also never said anything about wanting to get married.

“Don’t you get it?  I want you.  I want you forever.  While I was away, all I wanted was to be home with you.  For the first time I didn’t want to go party with my friends or go get drunk.  I just wanted to sit at home with my girl.  That’s when I knew I wanted to marry you.  I want to marry you and I want to have kids with you.  Simple as that.”  Torstein explains. “I love you, y/n.”

“And I love you.”  I say as I crawl back into bed with Torstein.

Torstein Horgmo ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now