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“Oh my god he’s coming back over here.  This boy just doesn’t give up.”  Coco says to me in a hushed tone.  I roll my eyes dramatically and try to make a quick exit.  “Where are you going?”

“I’m avoiding him.  Tell him I went to the bathroom or something.”  I reply to Coco as do everything in my power to leave before Torstein reaches us. 

“I’m not dealing with him.  You tell him to go away.”  Coco says to me.  She pulls on my hand, forcing me back into my seat.

“Hey.”  Torstein says as he approaches Coco and me on the beach.  Coco smiles widely at him.  I ignore him and look out at the ocean. 

“Hi, Torstein.”  Coco says in a friendly tone.  This only makes me roll my eyes again. 

“So what’s going on tonight?”  Torstein asks us. 

“I’m going to the bar tonight with Mark.”  Coco says. 

“What about you, y/n?”  Torstein.  I panic.

“Umm I’m going to the bar with Mark and Coco.”  I lie.  I don’t have any plans for the night, but I can’t risk Torstein asking me out again. 

“Oh.”  Torstein says with a defeated face.

“Yeah I’m going with a date.  It’s a double date kind of thing.”  I tell Torstein, which again is a total lie.  Torstein just nods awkwardly.

“Oh cool.  Well I’ll catch you later then.”  Torstein says before walking off down the beach.

“You liar.”  Coco says to me once Torstein is out of earshot.  “Why won’t you just go out with him?  He’s a cool guy.”

“I know he’s a cool guy, but I don’t want to date him.  He’s a player and that’s so unattractive.”  I explain to Coco.  I know she doesn’t completely agree with me, but she drops the subject.

A few hours later, I sit alone in my hotel room.  Coco is out with her boyfriend and I’m stuck here watching movies. 

Someone knocks on the door and I freeze.  I didn’t order room service and I’m not expecting anyone.

“I know you’re in there, y/n.”  Torstein shouts through the door.  I climb out from the blankets to answer the door. 

“Hi.”  I say as I open the door in a hoodie and sweatpants.  Torstein stands in the doorway, looking like he’s all dressed up to go out.

“Why hello.  I thought you had a double date tonight.”  Torstein says as he lets himself into my hotel room.  I hold the door open, hoping he’ll leave soon.

“Yeah I lied.  No double date for me.”  I admit to Torstein.  He makes himself right at home as he takes a seat on my bed.  “I was actually in the middle of watching something sooo…”

“Why won’t you go out with me?”  Torstein asks boldly.  I realize I’m going to have to tell him, yet again, why I won’t date him.  I close the door and go sit next to him.  “I thought you liked me.  We texted all the time and you laughed at all my jokes.  I don’t get what happened.  Now it’s like you can’t even stand to be in the same room as me.”

“I like you as a friend, Torstein.  I liked you as more than friend for awhile, but I don’t know, you have a bad reputation.”  I tell Torstein. 

“What do you mean?”  Torstein asks. 

“You date a lot of girls.  Even when we were texting, you were texting like five other girls.  I don’t want to be just another hookup for you.  I’d rather we just be friends.”  I say.  Torstein looks bummed out, but recovers quickly.

“I get it.  I’d like to prove to you that I can change, but if you want to just be friends, then fine.  We can just be friends.”  Torstein says as he begins to take off his shoes.  He makes himself even more comfortable and sits back on my bed. 

“What are you doing?”  I ask as I watch him in shock. 

“Friends watch movies together.  So that’s what I’m doing.  I’m going to watch a movie with you.”  Torstein tells me.  I eye him skeptically, and then give in.  I climb back under my blankets and let Torstein watch the rest of the movie with me.

Torstein Horgmo ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now