New Years Eve

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“I don’t wanna go.”  I whine pointlessly as I sit slouched in my chair. 

“You’re going, y/n.  End of story.”  Craig says sternly.  Obviously I already knew I was going, I mean I’m already dressed up and everything, but that doesn’t mean I won’t complain the entire time.  It’s New Years Eve and Craig is forcing me to go to a party with a bunch of his snowboarding friends.  I’ve been best friends with Craig since I was kid, but I’ve never really bonded with his snowboarding buddies.  They’re always nice to me, but I’ve always felt out of place with them.  Craig knows this, yet he’s making me go to this damn party anyways.

“Ughhhhh.”  I continue.  “Can’t we just stay here and eat popcorn instead?”

“Stop.  We’re going to the party.”  Craig says distractedly as he grabs a champagne bottle for the party.  “Are you ready to go?”

“No.”  I say with my arms crossed.  I know I’m acting like a child, but I cannot stress how much I don’t want to go to this party.

“Good.  Let’s go.”  Craig says, completely ignoring my attitude.

We arrive at the party twenty minutes later. 

“Please don’t leave me.”  I whisper to Craig as I hold tightly to his hand.

“I won’t. I promise.”  Craig tells me, but of course disappears about thirty seconds after we walk through the door.  This is why I hate going out with Craig.  He’s so outgoing and he knows everybody.  I’m not like that…at all.

“Who are you?”  I hear a familiar voice ask from behind me.

“I’ve met you like a hundred times, Torstein.”  I say in a bored voice as I turn to face him. He stands in front of me with a grin and a drink in his hand.

“I’m sorry, what’s you’re name again?”  Torstein jokes.  He laughs at his own joke. 

I really have met Torstein dozens of times so I know he knows my name.  He’s a decent guy I guess.

“Shut up.”  I say with a smirk as I nudge him in the shoulder.

“Ow!”  Torstein says overdramatically.  “I’m just messing with ya, y/n.  How are you doing?”

“I’m fine.”  I reply. 

“You seem really bored.”  Torstein comments. 

“Well I lost Craig so…” I tell him.

“You can hangout with me then!”  Torstein says happily as he throws his arm around my shoulders.  I consider resisting his offer, but I have nobody else to hangout with so I just go with it.

“Do you wanna dance with me?”  Torstein asks not a second later.  I look around the room.

“Nobody is dancing.”  I tell him, but he just laughs.

“So?”  Torstein replies.  I can tell he’s expecting me to say no.

“Sure.  Let’s dance.”  I say.  He looks shocked.

“Really?”  Torstein questions.  I nod and he takes my hand.  We maneuver our way to the center of the room and start dancing. We dance in the classic high school prom kind of way.  His hands on are on my waist and mine are around his neck.  I can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous we must look, but for the first time I don’t care. Everyone in the room just watches and laughs.

“Hey!  You’re finally smiling.”  Torstein says.  “I like when you smile.”

“Are you flirting with me?”  I say while still laughing at our lame dance moves.

“Maybe.”  Torstein says with a confident smirk. 

I don’t know how long we dance for, but it must have been for a while because now it’s almost midnight. 

“I’ll be right back.”  Torstein says as he suddenly drops his hands from my waist.

“Where are you going?”  I ask.  I feel like I’m being ditched again.  I haven’t seen Craig since we got here and I don’t wan to be alone again.

“It’s a surprise.”  Torstein says with the same confident smirk that he had earlier.  I wait around awkwardly for him to return. It’s five minutes until midnight and couples are gathering around me.  Everyone here is paired up and I’m alone.

“I’m back!”  Torstein says breathlessly as he finds me in the crowd of people.  He has two champagne glasses in his hand and holds one up for me. “I figured we needed to cheers to when the clock turns to midnight.”

“Good idea.”  I say with a smile.  I’m just relieved that he actually came back.  I’ve had a surprisingly fun night with him.

“FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!” Partygoers chant.  “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

 I turn to clink champagne glasses with Torstein, but he kisses me instead.  I nearly spill my drink as he pulls me closer to him.  I wasn’t expecting the kiss, but I kinda like it. 

“Happy new year, y/n.”  Torstein says to me with his lips still close to mine. 

“Happy new year, Torstein.”  I reply. We both just look at each other for a moment before Craig comes crashing into us.  He pulls us into a group hug.

“HAPPY NEW YEARS, FRIENDS!”  Craig shouts drunkenly.

“Happy New Year, Craig.”  Torstein says.

“Wait…did I interrupt something?”  Craig questions as Torstein and I pretend we hadn’t just kissed.

“Nope.”  I answer quickly.  Torstein seems saddened by my response, but rebounds in no time. 

“Oh good.  Y/n, come with me.  I want you to meet somebody!”  Craig says excitedly as he links arms with me. 

“Okay.”  I say quietly.  I don’t really want to leave Torstein, but I don’t see how I can get out of this.  “See ya, Torstein.”

“See ya.”  Torstein mumbles as he watches me walk away with Craig.

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