All About It

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Cause I got soul and I won't quit
And your dad don't like it when I talk my shit
Cause I'm all about it baby

“Babe…” I say as I wrap my arms around Torstein. I cozy up close to him. 

“What’s up?”  Torstein asks skeptically.  I kiss his neck.

“I have to ask you question.”  I tell him as I keep my lips close to his skin.

“Oh no. This can’t be good.”  Torstein says. 

“My parents asked us to dinner tonight.  I told them we would go…”  I inform Torstein. 

“No way.”  Torstein replies, but I start kissing his neck again, which always gets him to say yes to anything. 

“Pleasssssse?”  I ask in between kisses.

“But your parents hate me.  Why would they want me to go to dinner with them?”  Torstein asks me.

“They do not hate you!”  I exclaim. 

“Yes they do!  They think I’m a rebellious guy with a bad reputation.”  Torstein says.  I look at him and try to fight back a smile.  “Why are you smiling at me like that?”

“I’m not smiling.”  I lie. 

“Oh my god!  You like that you’re parents don’t like me!  You think it’s cool that you’re dating a guy with a bad reputation, don’t you?” Torstein asks me as he shakes his head and laughs. 

“Okay, okay.  I kinda like that you’re my bad boy, but that’s only because I know you’re not really a bad boy. You’re a sweetheart who has made some questionable choices.”  I say as I stand on my tippy toes to kiss his lips.

“You really want me to hang out with your parents?”  Torstein asks me.  I nod.

“It’s just dinner, Tor.”  I tell him.

“Fine.  I’ll go and suffer through dinner for you.” Torstein says, but I think he regret’s agreeing immediately.


“Oh, Torstein!  I didn’t know you’d be here, but I’m so happy you are!” My mother lies as Torstein and I walk into the restaurant.  Torstein gives me a death glare.

“Your parents didn’t know I was coming?”  Torstein whispers into my ear.

“No, but I wanted you here.”  I whisper back.

“Good to see you, Torstein.”  My dad greets Torstein with a handshake. 

“Good to see you too, sir.”  Torstein replies with a forced smile.

“I wasn’t aware you two were still friends.”  My mother says once we sit down at the table.

“We’re not friends, mom.  Torstein is my boyfriend.”  I remind her.  She already knows this of course.  I’ve been dating Torstein for almost a year, much to my parent’s dismay.  I never expected us to date this long, but things have been pretty great between us.

“Oh that’s right.”  My mother replies as she sips her wine.

“Are you still snowboarding?”  My father asks Torstein.

“Yes, sir.”  Torstein answers. 

“That’s not a real job though, is it?”  My dad asks Torstein. 

“Dad!”  I interrupt. "Be nice!"

“It’s alright, babe.”  Torstein says quietly as he puts his hand on my thigh under the table.  “It is a real job, sir.  It’s a fun job, but it is a real job.”

“It requires a lot of travelling, doesn’t it?”  My mother chimes in.  I shoot her a dirty look.

“Yeah it’s a lot of travelling, which is cool.”  Torstein answers politely.

“So you two are apart most of the time?  That’s hardly a healthy relationship.”  My mom continues. 

“We make it work.”  I add. 

“Well that’s great.”  My dad says sarcastically.  An awkward silence floods the table after that. I suddenly feel horrible for dragging Torstein to this horrible dinner.


“Do you hate me?”  I ask Torstein as we drive home.

“What? No!”  Torstein says from the drivers seat.

“I’m sorry for doing that to you.  I should’ve known better.”  I tell him.  Torstein reaches over and grabs my hand.

“Babe, it’s fine.  That wasn’t any worse than usual.  I actually didn’t mind it.  I did like seeing the look of horror on your parents' face when I walked through the door.”  Torstein says with a smile.

“You didn’t mind it?”  I ask shyly.  I expected him to freak out and yell.

“Nope.  I’ve come to accept that your parents aren’t ever going to like me.  I can be a total gentleman and your parents still won’t like me.  I’m okay with that.  All that matters is that you like me and you seem pretty cool with us dating.”  Torstein tells me as he squeezes my hand tighter.

“Yeah I like you a lot.”  I say as I look at Torstein.

“That’s all that matters to me.” Torstein says.

And they don't know anything about us
Or anything about us
Or anything about it

Torstein Horgmo ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now