New Years Eve (Pt. 2)

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I stand politely and meet all of Craig’s friends, but I search the room for Torstein.  I’m secretly hoping he pops out of nowhere and steals me away. Craig’s other friends are nice enough, but I was having such a good time with Torstein. 

“Who are you looking for?”  Craig asks as he pulls me closer to him.  He’s still significantly drunk; I can tell by the way he’s moving. He’s slightly wobbly and overly happy.

“Nobody.”  I lie.  I don’t know why I’m lying to Craig.  I don’t think he’d be upset to hear that Torstein kissed me, but I still want to keep it a secret.  I guess I don’t want to tell anybody because I’m not even sure if Torstein likes me.  Sure, we kissed, but that doesn’t mean anything.  And I’m not even sure if I like him.  I like him, but I never expected to like him.   I just don’t know what I feel right now.

“Wanna go get another drink?”  Craig asks me as he wraps me into a hug.

“No thanks.”  I tell him as I slowly work my way out of his embrace.  I’m not nearly as drunk as him and I don’t want to kill his buzz.  “I think I’m gonna get some fresh air.”

“Okay.  Come find me when you’re done.”  Craig slurs.  I kiss him on the cheek quickly and then walk away.  I manage to escape the swarms of people and find the back deck.  It’s a lot quieter out here than it was inside the party. 

“There you are!”  Torstein says about ten seconds later. I'm ridiculously happy to see him.

“Hey!”  I say, matching his enthusiasm. 

“I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”  He tells me.  This makes me smile, but I try to hide it.

“You have?”

“Yeah I have.”  Torstein admits, though now he looks slightly embarrassed. “I searched the whole party for you, but there was  just too many people."

“Yeah there’s a ton of people in there.”  I respond.  I consider telling him that I was looking for him too, but I’m not that bold.

“Can I ask you something?”  Torstein asks, as his tone gets rather serious.


“Are you and Craig like…a thing?”  He asks.  Even in the dark of the night I can see his cheeks turning red. I burst out laughing.

“No!”  I say through my laughs.

“I know you guys say you’re just friends, but…” Torstein continues. 

“He’s my best friend and nothing more.  I swear.”  I say while still giggling.  The idea of dating Craig seems so ridiculous.  I love him to death, but not in a romantic way.

“Stop laughing at me!”  Torstein says as he playing nudging my arm.

“I’m sorry!”  I reply.  “Why would you ask that?”

“Isn’t it obvious that I like you?”  Torstein asks.  I wasn’t expecting him to be so blunt, but I like it.  “I’ve had a great time with you tonight.  I hope you had a great time too.”

“I’ve had an amazing time with you.”  I admit.  Torstein’s confident smirk makes an appearance again.

“Go on a date with me.”  Torstein says as he inches closer to me.

“What’s the point?  You’ll be gone in a few days.”  I reply.  The life of a snowboarder is not the ideal life for dating.  It’s hard enough being best friends with someone who travels to a new city every week or so; I couldn’t imagine dating someone with that lifestyle.

 “Go on a date with me.”  Torstein says again as he takes my hands into his.

“But…” I begin to protest, but then I realize I don’t want to. “Okay.  I’ll go on a date with you.”

His smirk turns into a toothy smile as he leans in to kiss me.

“Umm…y/n?”  Craig’s brother calls out from the doorway.  I take a step away from Torstein immediately.

“Yeah, Mark?”  I ask.

“Craig isn’t feeling too hot.  Could you maybe drive him home?”  Mark asks me.  I sigh deeply.

“Sure no problem.”  I answer. 

“Noooooo don’t leave.”  Torstein pouts as he holds my hands tightly.  I kiss the frown off his face. 

“I’ll see you for our date.”  I tell him as I start to walk away. “Thank you for tonight, Torstein.”

“I can’t wait to see you again.”  He says.

I stumble through the party again and find Craig sitting near the front door.

“How are you feeling, buddy?”  I ask him as I attempt to help him stand up.

“I feel bad.”  Craig mumbles. He’s had way too much alcohol tonight.

“I bet you do.”  I say. I somehow manage to get him up and walk him to the car.  Thankfully I’m sober and able to drive us home. 

Craig sits slouched in the passenger seat looking like he could vomit at any moment.

“Did you have fun tonight?”  Craig slurs.

“I had a lot of fun.”  I answer as I reply my kiss with Torstein in my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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