I Love You

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“You’re gonna do great!  I’m so proud of you!”  Torstein gushes to me.  He kisses my forehead and keeps close to my side. “Don’t worry too much!  It’s just one competition and no matter the outcome, I’ll be proud of you.”

“Thank you, babe.”  I say with a smile.  It’s my first Dew Tour and Torstein has been the most supportive boyfriend ever.  He’s competing too, but all his focus has been on me.  He’s been very encouraging, but now it’s time for me to actually throw my run.  I had a great practice and I feel ready.

“I’m so fucking proud of you.” Torstein tells me again as my coach begins pulling me away.

“Okay I gotta go now.  I love you!” I call out as I’m rushed to the starting gate.

“I LOVE YOU!”  Torstein shouts back.  

“You need to focus, y/n.”  My coach says into my ear.

“I am focused.”  I tell him.  I feel ready.  I’ve been preparing for this slopestyle course all week.  I’m ready.

My run starts out perfectly, even with the extra snowy conditions.  I breeze through both sets of rails and conquer my jumps with the tricks I planned, but something feels off as I reach my final jump.  I’m going too slow and I feel myself start to panic, but I go for it anyways. Big mistake.  I crash down onto the snow.  My left shoulder hits first, then the rest of my body.  I can’t tell what’s happening as I tumble further down the slope until I finally stop. I can’t feel anything but I know something is wrong.  The only thing I can think about is getting up.  I know I can’t just lie here.  I need to get up.  As soon as I stand up, all the pain starts rushing to my shoulder and I black out.

“I’m sorry, but family only.”  An unfamiliar voice says.

“But she’s my girlfriend!  You don’t understand!  She’d want me to be with her!  Please!  You have to let me see her!”  Another voice says.  This voice I recognized.  It’s Torstein.  I open my eyes and everything feels foggy.  I have no idea where I am.

“Please!  Let me see her!”  Torstein repeats.

“I’m sorry, honey.  I can’t.”  The unfamiliar voice tells him.

“He can come in.”  I say, hoping the two of them can here me. 

“You’re awake!”  Torstein says as he runs to my side.  He takes my hand and kisses the top of my head.

“What happened to me?  What is going on?”  I ask him.  The last thing I remember is my crash and even that is a blur.

“You took nasty fall on that last jump.  You shattered your collarbone and then passed out.  Now you’re in the hospital and I’ve been trying to come see you for hours, but they wouldn’t let me in.”  Torstein explains.  I take a moment to process all this.  I look at Torstein.  His face is so worried and I’m not used to seeing him like this.  I want to cry just looking at him.  I feel guilt for causing him all this stress.

“You should go.  You have to compete tomorrow and you need your rest.  I’ll be fine, please go get some sleep.”  I tell him.  He looks shocked by this.

“Are you crazy?  I’m not competing tomorrow, babe.  How could I focus on snowboarding when you’re in the hospital?”  Torstein asks me. 

“I’ll be fine, Tor!  Don’t let me ruin this for you!”  I say as tears begin to fill my eyes.

“You’re not ruining anything for me.  You’re more important than snowboarding.  There will be other contests, but you need me and this is where I want to be.  So I’m not going anywhere and stop trying to kick me out.”  Torstein says with a smile. 

“I love you.”  I say quietly. 

“I love you.”  He replies as he grabs a blanket and nestles into a chair next to my hospital bed.  “Now can we talk about how sick your run was before you crashed?  Because it was awesome!”

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