Reputation PART TWO

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Our movie finally ends and I walk Torstein to the door.

“This was surprisingly fun.  I think this being ‘just friends’ thing is really going to work out.”  I tell Torstein as I hold the door open.  Torstein doesn’t say a word.  He just smirks, and then kisses me.  I don’t push Torstein away, but I also don’t kiss him back.

“Friends kiss, right?”  Torstein asks as his smirk widens.  He’s quite pleased with himself.  I cross my arms.

“No.  They most definitely do not. This is why you have such a bad reputation.  You can’t just go around kissing every girl you see.”  I say as I playfully push Torstein out the door.  “Now you should go…and no more kissing.”

“Fine, fine.”  Torstein replies as he walks down the hall.  He starts walking backwards so that he’s facing me.  “You kinda liked kissing me, didn’t you?”

“Goodnight, Torstein.”  I say with a laugh as I close my hotel door.

“and that’s why I could never date him.”  I think out loud as I sunbathe with Coco.  Coco turns to see what I’m looking at.

“Torstein?”  Coco asks.

“Yeah.  Look at him.”  I say as I nod in Torstein’s direction.  He’s walking down the beach with two beautiful girls all over him.  “He kissed me last night and now he’s already found other girls.  It’s annoying.”

“Umm what?  He kissed you?  Why haven’t you told me this?”  Coco says as she sits up. I never planned on telling her about the kiss.  I knew she’d overreact.

“Calm down.  It wasn’t a big deal.  He was just being Torstein.”  I tell Coco.  I keep telling myself the kiss was no big deal, but for some reason I can’t stop thinking about it.

“Mark and I have secretly wanted you and Torstein to date.  He’s cute and you’re cute.  Plus he’s sooooo funny and I don’t know, you’re a good match.”  Coco gushes.  I roll my eyes at her.

“Chill out, Cokes.  I don’t even like him like that…and he’s clearly already moved on.”  I say. 

“If he’s moved on, then why has he been staring over here?  He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you, y/n.”  Coco says with a grin.  I look back at Torstein who is looking right at me. He turns away as soon as we make eye contact.  “And you do like him.”

“I like him as a friend.”  I correct Coco, but she’s not buying it.

“Please.  If you didn’t like him, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.”  Coco says. 

“Fine.  I kinda like him, but that doesn’t change anything. He’s still Torstein.  He’s still that guy who can never make a commitment.”  I tell Coco. We both look towards Torstein.  One of the girls he’s with starts holding his hand. I look away instantly.  I don’t want to see that.

“You never know if you never try.  I think you need to go get your man.”  Coco says to me as she lies back down.  I do as she says.  I get up and walk right up to Torstein.  I put my arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss.  He kisses me back without hesitation. 

“I thought friends didn’t kiss.”  Torstein says once our lips part.

“They don’t.”  I reply with a smile.  I begin to walk back to Coco, leaving Torstein wanting more.

“Does this mean what I think it means?”  Torstein asks with a big grin.  I just smirk back at him, and then turn back towards Coco.  Torstein catches up with me and holds my hand.

“What about those other girls?”  I ask Torstein as we walk.

“You’re all I want.”  Torstein replies.

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