Stay With Me: Part One

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Guess it’s true I’m not a good at a one-night stand

But I still need love ‘cause I’m just a man

These nights never seem to go to plan

I don’t want you to leave, will you hold my hand?

-Stay With Me by Sam Smith

“There’s Torstein.”  Stale says suspiciously as he takes a bite of his breakfast.

“So?”  I reply nonchalantly. 

“Everyone knows you guys hooked up last night.”  Stale tells me as smirk crosses his face.

“Everyone hooks up with Torstein.  It’s not a big deal.”  I say dismissively.  To me, hooking up with Torstein really isn’t a big deal.  He’s a friend of mine, we drank a little too much, and stuff happened.  I’m sure it will never happen again, so I’m not overly concerned about it.

“He’s coming over here.”  Stale says while still smirking.

“Oh shit.  He probably wants to have the ‘morning after’ talk.”  I tell Stale while I roll my eyes.  Torstein approaches Stale and me just moments later.

“Hey, y/n.”  Torstein says.  “What’s up, Stale?”

“Not much, bro.”  Stale says as tries not to laugh at Torstein.

“Can I talk to you, y/n?”  Torstein asks.  He seems anxious, which is very unlike him. 

“Umm yeah sure I guess.”  I say slowly.  The last thing I want to do right now is talk about last night with Torstein.  I get up to follow Torstein and give Stale a look that says ‘save me’.  Stale just bursts into a full on laugh.

“Soooo about last night…” Torstein begins to say.  I know where this is going and decide to stop him right here.

“We don’t need to talk about it.  I know it was just a one-night thing.  It’s fine…really.”  I tell Torstein, but he doesn’t seem relieved. 

“That’s not exactly what I wanted to say…” Torstein says shyly. 

“Oh.”  I reply awkwardly.  Right now I wish Stale would come and save me from this awkwardness.

“You left before I woke up and had a chance to talk to you this morning.”  Torstein tells me.

“I was just trying to avoid all this…awkwardness…” I say. “Torstein, I know you have one-night stands all the time.  I don’t need you to buy me breakfast or explain anything.”

“I know I don’t have to do any of those things, but I don’t know, I think maybe I would’ve liked to hangout with you.”  Torstein says as he looks down at his feet.  His sudden shyness makes me realize something.

“Do you like me?”  I ask with a smirk.

“What? No.  We’re friends.  I just thought you didn’t have to run out of my bed like that.”  Torstein says frantically as his face becomes a dark shade of red.

“Oh my god you like me.”  I say again.

“Can you stop saying that out loud?” Torstein shushes me.  “This is very new to me.”

“Liking a girl is new for you?”  I ask.

“It’s weird for me to want to take a girl on dates or buy her flowers.  I usually just want to hookup and carry on with my life. Yeah, this is new for me.”  Torstein says quietly.  I have to admit, seeing Torstein act like this is really cute.

“So what now?”  I ask Torstein.

“I don’t know what to do now.  I’ve never done this before.”  Torstein says.  I laugh.  “This is not funny, y/n.”

“It’s kinda funny.  It’s also really sweet.”  I tell Torstein.  “I’ve never seen you so nervous before.”

“I don’t even get this nervous before competitions.” Torstein says with a little smile. 

“I have an idea.  Do you want to get dinner with me tonight?”  I ask Torstein.  It’s obvious that I’m the one who has to take charge here.

“Yeah.  Yeah I’d love that.  I’ll pick you up at seven?”  Torstein replies.  He suddenly looks relieved.

“Sounds good.  Ok I’m going to go finish my breakfast now.”  I say to Torstein as I point in the direction of Stale.

“Oh yeah.  Sorry for interrupting.  Would it be wrong to kiss you right now?”  Torstein asks me with a smirk on his face.

“In front of all these people?  Won’t they think we’re dating or something?”  I ask with a smile.

“Well we are kinda dating soo…” Torstein says before he leans in and kisses me.  I kiss him back quickly, before walking back to the table.  I want to leave him wanting more.

“See you at seven.”  I call back to Torstein.

“Umm what was that?”  Stale asks as I sit back down at the table.  He looks shocked.

“It was nothing.”  I lie. 

“I saw you two kissing.  What was that about and what’s at seven?”  Stale pries. 

“We have a dinner date tonight at seven.”  I try to say casually.  Stale’s jaw drops.

“Torstein is taking you on a date?  He must really like you.”  Stale says.

“Yeah I think he really does.”  I reply as I go back to eating my breakfast.

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