Stay With Me: Part Two

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Oh, won’t you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain’t love, it’s clear to see

But darling, stay with me

- Stay With Me by Sam Smith

“Stop doing that.”  Stale suddenly says.  I break from my little daydream about Torstein.

“Stop doing what?”  I ask while take a sip of my hot chocolate. 

“Stop smiling like that.  You keep smiling randomly for no apparent reason. It’s creepy.”  Stale tells me.  He looks pissed. 

“Sorry.”  I reply quietly.  It’s embarrassing getting caught in a daydream, but thinking about Torstein asking me out makes me smile. 

“You’re smiling about Torstein, aren’t you?”  Stale questions.  He’s definitely annoyed. 

“Maybe…” I say shyly.  I’m not sure why Stale is so crabby, but I don’t want to set him off.

“He’s not right for you.  I don’t know why you’re wasting your time.”  Stale says coldly.  I look at him in shock.

“Are you kidding me?  This morning you were laughing about Torstein asking me out.  Why are you all irritated about it now?”  I ask, this time I’m the one getting annoyed.

“Torstein isn’t a relationship kind of guy.  We both know that.  I don’t know why you think it will be any different with you.”  Stale tells me. 

“We’re going on a date, I’m not expecting an engagement ring from Torstein.  Geez.  Calm down.”  I say to Stale.  I go back to drinking my hot coco.  I don’t want Stale’s bad mood to bring my happiness down. 

“You’re being stupid.  He’s gonna dump you like all the other girls.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”  Stale says.  I do my best not to argue back at him, but he keeps ranting.  “I’m telling you, this isn’t going to end well.  Don’t come crying to me when he breaks your heart.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t.”  I say under my breath as I get up to leave the room.  I can’t deal with right now. 

“Where are you going?”  Stale asks in a surprised tone.  He actually seems surprised by my anger. 

“Why are you ruining this?  Torstein is your friend.  You’re just being mean.  I don’t need you to protect me.  I just need you to be my friend.”  I blurt out as I stand by the door.  My voice is all choked up from trying not to cry. 

“Have you ever thought of me as more than a friend?”  Stale asks as he looks straight into my eyes. 

“What?”  I reply instantly.  I heard him perfectly; I just don’t know how to respond to his question. 

“I’ve thought about it.”  Stale says as he breaks eye contact with me.  He runs his fingers through his hair.  I walk away from the door and go back to where I was sitting before. 

“You have?”  I ask quietly. 

“Yeah.  I don’t know.  I know we’re better off as friends, but it kills me to see you…” Stale begins to say, but he stops.

“See me what?”  I ask Stale.   He looks back at me.

“It kills me to see you be with someone who I know will hurt you.  I like Torstein, but I love you.  You’re my best friend.  I can’t just sit back and watch him mess with you.”  Stale admits.  I’ve got tears rolling down my cheeks now. 

“It’s just one date, Stale.  It’s nothing to worry about.”  I say as I try to reassure Stale.  At this exact moment someone knocks on the door.  “Shit.”

Stale gets up from his chair to answer the door.  I attempt to hide the fact I’m crying, but I’m sure my eyes are all puffy. 

“Torstein?”  I say as Tor makes his way into the room.  Well this is awkward. I look at Stale, but his face is unreadable.  “It’s not seven yet, is it?”

“Nah.  I’m like two hours early, but I wanted to see you.”  Torstein says as he gives me a hug.  I watch Stale cringe as Torstein hugs me. 

“Let me grab a jacket and then we can go.”  I say to Torstein.  Being in the same room with Torstein and Stale right now is unbearable.  I need to get out of here as soon as possible. 

“Do you mind if I take her this early?”  Torstein asks Stale as if he’s my father.  I look instantly at Stale, because I have no idea what his answer will be.  Obviously I’ll be going anyways, but I do want to know what Stale will say.

“Just don’t keep her out too late.  She’s a good one.”  Stale says with a tiny smirk.  I sign a breath of relief.  I get my jacket and wave goodbye to Stale. 

“Is he ok with this?”  Torstein says as we get into his car. 

“Yeah.”  I lie as I get in the passenger seat. 

“Does he like you?”  Torstein asks.  I wish he wouldn’t ask about this.

“No.”  I lie again.  “He’s just a friend.”

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