Getting to know each other

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( Y/N) pov

Finally night time arrives and I get ready for the night shift. Well technically the time where I salvage or don't I was about to go to the ally way when all of a sudden I heard movement. I turned around to see ALL of the animatronics moving and getting of stage .... EVEN LEFTY !!! I wasn't scared but rather I smiled and let them do there own thing as I went to the back ally to get ready for the salvaging. During the savaging the thing started to move. Honestly.... I'm terrified. I started to shake. Never before have I ever been so scared. The thing got closer and I closed my eyes.' Is this the end ? ' I thought. Then all of a sudden I heard a loud BANG! I opened my eyes only to see the thing knocked out on the ground and Lefty holding out a hand to help me up. I gladly accepted it and he helped pulled me up. We locked eyes for a moment. I stared into his yellow colored eyes and blushed lightly ,hoping he wouldn't notice , as he stared into my (e/c) eyes. " T-Thanks." I said looking away. " Heh ... Your welcome ...... (Y/N ) . "Lefty said smiling to himself "W- we should ummmm... Ya know ..... Go back to the main area. " I whispered. "Yea .... We should. " Lefty said, his voice being soft and gentle and comforting. He lead me to the main area and the other animatronics came close to Lefty and me. Me, for some reason, I clung on to Lefty scared for my life and I hid my face. " Arrrg who be this lass Lefty? " Said Rockstar Foxy.

Lefty's POV
" This is (Y/N) .... The owner of the place here. " I said calmly, holding (y/n) close to me. She just clung onto me when the other animatronics gathered around. She's brave, adorable, sweet childish, bold, but shy and timid. I like that about her. Yep it's confirmed . I'm in love with her and there's no doubt about it. " Oh ? .... I see well .... Hello (Y/N) you probably already know us but .... I'm Rockstar Freddy but you can call me Freddy, this is Rockstar Bonnie-" Freddy said pointing at Bonnie before being cut off by him. " But you can call me Bon or Bonnie. " I just nodded and looked down at (Y/N). She seem ls a little ... Curious. " I'm Rockstar Chica bit you can just call me Chica if ya want. " Chica smiled. " Aye ... I be Rockstar Foxy but .... You can call me what ever you want ~ " That some of a b*!*h. Flirting with MY (Y/N)!  Ha! I don't think so! I glare at Foxy and he just smirks. God how much I hate that b@$t@rd! " And you already know me ... Lefty. " I said unamused. I look down at her and she's smiling ..... AT ME !!!!  Take that ya stupid fox !!!! I smile back and look around . " Umm is there anything I can get you ... Like any food or what ever ? " I say nervously. I actually never thought I would be nice to anyone without being forced.

Your POV
" Ummm i guess ..... Is there any ( f/p ) ( favorite pizza ) ? He's so nice and his voice. I'd do anything just to hear it. " Umm yeah there is i'll get it and ummm ...... Do u want ..... Anything to drink ? " I smile slightly . " Ummm yeah how about .... ( F/D ) (  favorite drink ) ?" I was so nervous. Hey calm down this isn't a date!!! Though I wished it was. I smile brighter .

Lefty's POV
" You gotcha coming right up! " I say feeling nervous and like a child . " Ummm just sit anywhere u want and I'll bring it to ya ok ? " I looked at her all friendly like and childishly " ok " she smiles and went to sit at a table NEAR MY STAGE!!! One point for me and none for the dumb fox. >:3. I went to get de food and her drink and I went out to see that Foxy was talking to her. She looks unamused. I go closer and I hear Foxy FLIRTING with MY (Y/N ) !!!!! Oh he WILL PAY !!!  But not now. I decided to just walk up and act like I ain't heard any thing. " So what are we talking about ? " I said mainly paying attention to (y/n) and giving her the food and drink. She takes a bite and looks up at me with a smile. " Nothing much ." She said with the most beautiful voice I ever heard in my entire life. " Actually ...... I was just leaving " Foxy said with a low growl and a glare as he got up and left to join the others so now it's just me and (y/n). I sat down in front of her and we talked and laugh and got to know each other very well. She actually listened. She actually cared. She actually even let me say what ever was on my mind!. And honestly...... It's scaring me a little. But who cares hehehehe. She finished her food and yawned. " A-are you tired ? " I asked " a little .... I can stay up at talk to you if you want." (Y/n) said yawning. " No I can't and I wont and besides..... You need rest for tomorrow. " Oh wow I just realized how pathetic that sounded. Stupid me! I look at her and yawned again. "O-ok b-but .... " I cut her off. " You can sleep on my bed in my room .... I'll just sleep on the stage or on the other side of my bedroom door ..... Or the floor. ? Maybe? " I said/asked. " Actually ....  I was wondering ...... If you could s-sleep with me ? " She asked shyly. It was cute. Wait is she blushing! Oh god now that I think of it ... I guess I could . I mean...... I don't blame her ..... Especially when something like earlier with that thing happens. " Umm.... S-sure" I say without realizing what i said.
" O-oh .... Ok " she said. I gently picked her up and carried her bridal style to my room and and put her down on my bed and lay down next to her. (  It's a king sized bed ). Then something unexpected happened. She snuggled up to me !!!! I was happy and surprised. I carefully put my arms around her waist and held her close and surprisingly she didnt do anything about it. Point 2 for me and still none for that fox b!€th yeah !!! " Goodnight ..... Lefty" it sounds good when she says my name . " Goodnight ..... ( Y/n) " I whispered softly in her ear. She snuggled closer to me and fell asleep. I fell asleep too dreaming of me and (y/n ) .


1133 words NEW RECORD IN ANY OF MY BOOKS !!!? Booyah!!!! Anyways it's currently 3:03 here where I live so yea im gonna sleep. I'll see ya in the next chapter

Lefty: * hugs u * goodbye * smiles adorably *

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