Love Me Like You Mean It

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Lefty POV


The next morning I woke up to my beautiful precious angel. Of course I have to preform so I got up and got ready. I quickly got to my stage and about a hour later, (Y/n) came out in a white T-shirt blue jeans and country boots. She unlocked the entrance door and sat where she normally would by my stage. I got ready to preform.for the kids that were now coming in.

~ time skip cuz I'm lazy ~

It was the end of the day and the guest had left. I hopped off my stage and ran to my lovely (Y/N) and kissed her pulling her close to me. I don't why I did it but I did. At least she kissed back and hugged me. Which is good. " Get a room you two!" I stopped kissing (Y/N) and looked at Dixie who was with Foxy and both of them was smirking. I blushed a dark red and turned away.



Lefty turned his back away from Dixie, Foxy and I. I could tell he was embarrassed so I hugged him from behind. He kinda stiffened but relax and turned around and hugged me back. I smiled up at him and kissed him again and he kissed back. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear and we both locked eyes. We both looked over at Dixie and Foxy seeing them kiss! " Oh my god get a room! " Lefty said jokingly making me laugh. He smiled down at me. I hugged him like I would an over sized teddy bear. He put an arm around me like a sweet boyfriend would. I took his hat and I put on my head. " Aww you look adorable! " Lefty said as he kissed my cheek . " Thanks Lefty!" I said , my eyes lit up. Lefty picked my up and put me on his back. I smiled and giggled childishly. I looked over at Dixie and she was on Foxy's back. " I ship it !!!! " I yelled pointing to Foxy and Dixie. They both blushes but smiled. " We are actually a c-couple n-now." Foxy said. " Congrats boi" I said smiling. " Heh thanks" " your welcome " We all sat down and talked and played games such as Truth or Dare, and stuff like that. That's when Dixie had an idea." Hey let's play Truth or Dare!" She said. " Yea I think we should." I replied. We explained the he to the boys. It's still the same but only we spin a bottle. Dixie decided she'd spin first, and of course it landed on Foxy. We played Truth or Dare until we got bored.

                 - Time Skip-

The four of us went I to the kitchen and just randomly talked. " You remember that vine we saw (Y/N) ... You know ... The one where Scotty Sire walked Into the kitchen and saw his brother doing the dishes and then he randomly said, ' excuse me sir but could you please do the dishes quicker!' " Dixie said while laughing. " Yea I remember." I said. After that, we talked the night away.

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