Her Little Sister

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(Y/N)'s Pov


I ran to hug Dixie. " Sissy your here! " I exclaimed excitedly. " Sissy?" Lefty asked. " Thats what we call each other instead of saying sister." " Oh." " What ye two are sisters?" Foxy asked. " Naw Foxy we said that because we wanted to!" I said sarcastically. Foxy rolls his eyes. " Whatever I'm going back to the kitchen if anyone wants to join. " He said and walked off. Lefty, Dixie and I sat at a table closest to Lefty's stage. Lefty laughed at all of Dixie's jokes like me. I can tell he ACTUALLY finds it funny and not laughing just so Dixie won't be upset. I smiles. We talked and talked all day and soon it was dark out and Tom entered the building. " Heya Tom, this is Dixie , Dixie this is Tom. " " Heya Tom nice to meet ya! " Dixie said with a smile. " Heh same here " Tom said and he got to work. Dixie decided to socialize with the others so it was just me and Lefty.

Lefty's POV


I held (Y/N)'s hand and we both went to join the others. We was all laughing and talking.  I was happy that everyone is having a good time, especially my precious angel (Y/n). She layed her head on my shoulder. I looked down at her and smiled. Dixie and Foxy seems to be getting close. Thats good, maybe he'll leave (Y/n) alone. " Ok we're closed tomorrow because mine and Dixie's dad said so and here's the sleeping arrangements for when we get tired and want to go to bed. Ok Dixie and Foxy in Foxys room. Me and Lefty in Lefty's room as always, and Bonnie you in your room, Freddy and Chica you can have your own rooms. And Tom you can have this guest room. " Everyone just agreed. I smiled. My angel is becoming from a shy timid girl to a strong woman.


The pic above is you and Dixie but only just use your imagination to what you look like. Your the tallest one.

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