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Logan's pov

i told my dad that me and Hayes didn't want to go swimming so we would just play games at the boardwalk.

Well you know how in movies right before someone dies someone says they have a bad feeling well i never thought thats true

i always thought noone can have that feeling its impossible but i believe it now more than ever.

i have that feeling right now its happening again i have this weird feeling like something is about to happen.

i dont tell anyone though they wouldn't understand nor would they believe me so i just brush it off.

Me and Hayes were lagging behind and the guys were crossing the street as they were my dad dropped his phone but the boys didn't notice and just kept walking.

As my dad stopped in the middle of the street to pick up his phone a speeding car came racing down the road and hit my dad.

Me and Hayes both saw this happen i screamed dad but i was to late.

i should have trusted my gut but i didn't this is all my fault.

The car didn't even stop to get out it kept driving fucking prick.

i snapped a pic of his license though.

*skipping to hospital *

the doctors told us he might be in a coma.

i wanted to be the first one to talk to him.

But Taylor argued with me on that wrong move bud.

"oh fucking well im going first "i said and walked in the room and closed the door.

i sat down i breathed in i had to stay strong.

i took his hand .i looked at him he was all bruised.

"hey dad its me Logan... i uh just wanted to say im sorry i could have prevented this before this happened i had a bad feeling something was going to happen but i didn't listen to my gut so here you are i know i haven't been the best daughter lately but i need you i can't lose another dad to be honest my dad before you was always busy i never really got to see him to much he worked alot so yea i honestly like you more than my other one i never told anyone that.. your the only one who understands me exept hayes but your my father ...i sighed.... i love how you call me princess like i really am one...i love how you care for me and i won't be able to take it if you go i know i won't go back to the orphanage but it doesn't matter where i go if your not there i wont stay if you go then im going to go to idc as long as im with you ..i wish it was me not You... you dont deserve this i do...i love you so much and i know you are strong enough to wake up for me just like you told me in that tub when i said i don't no if i could shoot him you told me if it comes down to it its either him or me. Well now its my turn to guide you its either heaven or me i know its probably not that easy to wake up but i know you can do it.but if these are my last words for you then just know i love you"i kissed his hand and walked out

i was so angry that the guy hit him and drove off i couldnt take it anymore my anger is bottling up and since i cant cry because i have to stay strong then i have to hit something usually boxing gets out my anger or my punching bag but its at home so i hit the closes thing to me a wall.

i put a hole in the wall but i don't care if i didn't do that then it would have been someone's face.

everyone knows not to go next to me if im mad unless your Hayes but Taylor is just pressing my buttons today.

He came up to me and said "i know your upset but you need to control it before you get us kicked out we already have to pay for that hole so calm down"

Camerons daughter (cameron dallas )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora