Chapter #16

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Logan pov

So here i am once again in this stupid hospital.

Im in so much pain i could let go at any time  but im fighting... i wont go easy.

I have to stay least until i cant fight any more but  the cancer is slowly taking over day by day and i dont know how much more i can take.

i open my eyes and turn so im on my back its 6:00am .

i stare up at the ceiling and think.

i know what i have to do before i go...

i want to make a letter  type thing for my dad and Hayes to read after i die.

i slowly got out the bed and walked down the hall to the lady at the counter.

"good morning hun is there something you need "she asked

"yes do you have two notebooks and a led pencil "

"sure here you go "she said handing me them.

i walked over to one of the nurses.

"hey um do you know where i can get breakfast "i asked her

"well if you are able to walk to the cafeteria then ill take you there but if you aren't feeling well we will bring it to your room"she said

"i can walk "i said

after she brought me to the cafeteria i got in line for my food.

when i got it i was only able to get fruit because i cant have stuff like pancakes.

i got my tray of fruit and apple juice  and sat down .

when i finished eating i started righting.

i walked around drew a bit in the notebooks but i wrote a letter for everyone in my family when i finished  it was 10:30.

i walked back to my room and got in the bed i took my medicine then went to the vending machine for some dasani water and some one grabbed my wrist and brought me to to the employees  bathroom .

she shut the door and locked it. when she flicked the light on i got a look at her face and it was the girl i fought at the hospital.

she took out a razor blade and put it in my hand.

"cut"she demanded.

"what"i said puzzled.

"slice your wrists twice on both or ill beat the shit out of you since your too weak to fight "she said.

she was right there was nothing i could do ..So i did as told i cried while doing it because it hurt bad but she said if i couldn't then she would and she would make it deep and make sure it hurt much worse so i did it my self.

"alright now leave and tell noone about this if anyone notices tell them you did it because you hate yourself and you hate hurting others like putting them in your life just to die on them or hurt them because of your  cancer and i want you to do this every night and send me a picture of your wrists if you dont i will find you and hurt you...  "she said putting her phone number in my phone and giving me the blade and my phone  then left .

i threw up right in the toilet and cried.

is she that jealous and low  just because i have Hayes... that girl is mental and cruel.

i left the bathroom with my wrists bloody and all.

i didn't care if Hayes seen because i will tell him what she told me to tell anyone who asked.

Hayes was awake when i walked in .

"hey whats wrong babe"he asked because my face probably looked like i was crying.

i put my arms behind my back and said "oh um nothing i just went to get breakfast and i just threw up but im good  now "

"oh alright well cam said hes here and hes coming to your room but im going to head home i wanna change but ill be back in a bit"he said

i nodded and got in bed.

my dad walked in with that girl again.

I hate anyone my dad dates only one i liked was Sarah they dated for almost two years and i loved her so much she was like a mother to me she always said i was her daughter and i called her mom but one day i came home feom school and dad said they are breaking up.

"hey what was Your name again oh yea Fattie right??"i said

my dad gave me one of those cut it the fuck out looks.

"no its callie "she said angrily

"sorry my dad dates alot of girls its hard to keep up "i said

"um on a serious note i think your wrist is bleeding "

i immediately covered it up and i felt my cheeks burn a bit.

"oh i scratched it off the door this morning its fine "i said.

"let me see"my dad said

"no im fine when am i going home "

"um i dont think its a good idea to go home why dont you just talk to callie and get to know her a bit "

"idc i want to go home if im dieng i certainly don't want to die in this stupid hospital and i certainly dont want to talk to your stupid girlfriend what is she number 800 what did you do so badly that Sarah left "i yelled it him.

that made his eyes water up and i immediately felt terrible.

"im sorry dad i didnt mean it "i said

"its okay it was wrong of me to shove this on you at such a bad time callie could you go home "he said and she left mad as ever

my dad grabbed my stuff and we went home after arguing with the doctors but we finally went home.

(by the way her and Hayes are 15 now)

i changed into a sweater. and shorts and i put bandages over my cuts

Then i called Ashly.

hey bae...yeah im better... its fine my fault for not telling you... well invite  all your friends and tell them im throwing a pool party tomorrow and to come at twelve and bring one person with them girl or guy but to get in you have to say my middle name.... ok and only you bring extra clothes because i want you to stay over ...ok love ya bye ..

i looked at my arms then covered them back up with my sleeves.

i don't know what to do, should i listen to that girl and keep cutting or should i say screw it and throw away the blade.

Hayes texted me saying that he is staying over a friends.

i texted back ok have fun.

i was scrolling through twitter when i heard a knock at my door.

i opened it to see.....

*author note *

Well um comment a name for the girl who is harassing Logan if i like the name then ill use it for her in the story so yup..

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