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*skipping to at Home *

when we got home me and Hayes headed up to my room.

We played mortal combat and i convinced him into making a deal with me.

The deal was if i win we get everyone and go into my boxing room and play a tap out tournament and winner makes rules but if he wins we make out.

(by the way she takes karate, kick boxing, basically alot of mixed martial arts)

I won so we got everyone in the room and explained .

"listen up these are the rules first one to tap out loses the winner will keep playing  until they lose the last winner will get a 500 dollar prize sorry dad but you will be the ref and winner picks who they go against "i said

"yes princess ...we get it just don't cry when you get hurt " Taylor said

now he is done i will make it painful

first up was me and matthew.

"i wont make this hurt because your my pumpkin "i said

"i think its the other way around cupcake "matt said

i shrugged and my dad rung the bell.

Matt pushed me on the ground and i took my chance while i still had it because i didn't want to hurt him but i might have to if i want to win and fight Taylor.

i grabbed his ankle and pulled. He fell flat on his back i stood up still holding his ankle i pushed it more towards his face until he tapped out.

"dont be ashamed she could probably beat me to "dad said

next up was Aaron this outta be easy . my dad rung the bell.

Aaron swung his arm but i grabbed it and twisted it behind his back he tapped out with his foot.

*skipping fights cuz im to damn lazy today*

i beat everyone now exept for hayes and Taylor.

i called Taylor and grinned. My dad rung the bell.

I let him think he put me in a headlock on his own. i was now in a headlock which was good for me i put my hands on his neck and leaned over.

this of course flipped him leaving him on his back lucky for him the floor is a mat.

i pushed him so he was on his stomach. i quickly sat on him and grabbed his wrist with my right hand and leaned my other hand on his back so he couldn't try anything.

i bent his arm back."tap out "i said

"no "

i pushed it up more "tap out"i said

"no "

i pushed it up just a little more and he tapped out instantly. i laughed but before i let go i whispered in his ear "you'll be here all month so next time you feel like treating me like a douche because my dads not around we will just have to go another round but we will box instead and this time i won't hold back for Hayes i will just simply knock your ass out "i said proudly.

When i looked up i noticed everyone gave us a curious look wondering what i told him. i  then got up but i still had one more person to fight....

Hayes pov

i watched her whisper into Taylor's ear when she finished his face turned bright red in anger.

she walked towards me and said "im tired and your obviously going to win can we just go make out"she pleaded

im a guy and im obviously not going to say no i nodded grabbed the 500 and we went upstairs to her room.

Her dad said i could sleep up here with her but nothing more than sleep no funny business.

i laughed at that comment it was getting late but me and her take online classes because we get in trouble to much so our parents thought it would be easier .

we made out for a little than cuddled up together and dosed off to sleep that night

Logan woke up in pain from a very bad headache.

she started crying and i panicked i ran to Camerons room and walked right in and wokeaa him up.

we ran back to the room she was short of breath and seamed very weak.

"princess what's wrong "Cameron asked

"idk for months  i have been feeling terrible first it started with fevers then i noticed my eyes were a bit yellow and i was  losing weight and now i just feel so weak and out of breath and i have this terrible headache it hurts so bad i don't know whats wrong with me dad"she said sobbing holding her head.

he picked her up grabbed his keys and said "if you want to come wake Nash up and tell him to drive you  "

i ran around waking everyone im the hoise sending everyone everywhere like to get flowers and stuff and to meet us back at the hospital.

Cameron pov

The doctor told me  that her symptoms are all common signs of cancer...

Camerons daughter (cameron dallas )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora