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Logan pov

i opened the door to see Dylan standing with red roses because he knows there my favorite .

i felt my eyes fill with water and i slammed the door in his face.

i  sat on the  bed and let the tears roll down my face.

"lily please let me explain "i smiled at that because he hasn't called me that since i met him.

Dylan was my cousin before i met Cameron its just that i didn't have a phone back then so there wasnt a way to contact him when  he moved but then he got famous.

"you know what dil, i will let you explain how you didnt even come and visit me when i was in the hospital or even after i found out i had cancer ,or maybe when i almost died and if you think a bunch of flowers will make up for it then think again "i said and opened the door.

"i know im a terrible cousin but just hear me out"he said.

"take a seat "i said.

he sat on my couch.

"while i was out filming for teen wolf someone stole my phone,i had to get a new one i couldn't just come and visit you because i had to film for the next season i signed the contract and everything and what was i supposed to expect that you got cancer"he said. i could tell he felt guilty.

"its okay Dylan but you know what will make up for it "i said

"an autograph from all teenwolf cast members "he said

"no but that would be awesome "i said excitingly.

"it is downstairs but can i see your arm real quick "he asked .

it slipped my mind because of all this excitement and i just held it out for him.

he quickly pulled um my sleeve and gripped my arm tight so i couldn't pull back.

That's when i realized what he was doing.

He ripped of my big bandage hiding my cuts.

his mouth completely dropped when he seen them and he let my arm go.

"wa-wa-why"he said with a tear dropping onto his cheek.

"because i um hate myself for putting people through pain because of my cancer "i said

"bullshit i know when your lying give me your  phone or im telling your dad  " he said

i gave him it and he called Hayes.

"dil don't tell him please"i begged

"no i need someone watching you since i have to go back to cali tonight "he said

and put Hayes on speaker.

hello.... hey its Dylan Logan's cousin i need you to come over now.... Okay is something wrong is she in the hospital ... no just get over here..

he hung up.

"this wouldn't have to happen if you would just tell me the truth"he said

"i can't "i said

*five minutes later

Hayes walked in my room with a worried expression.

"i have to leave for my flight but i will be back next week and you will fix this by the way her left hand shakes a bit when she lies "Dylan  said

"well what is the problem "he said

"why don't you look at her wrists "Dylan said before leaving.

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