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Logan pov

i woke up in Hayes's arms i looked up to see him sleeping. i kissed his cheek and he smiled.

i played with his hair letting my fingers run through it.

"morning babe "he said.

"morning "i said.

"are you feeling any better "he said.

"a little but its okay "i say.

now we are fiddling with each others hands.

"what do you wanna do today "he asked while intertwining our hands.

"um i wanna complete my bucketlist "i said looking at the ceiling because i didn't wanna look into his eyes.

"babe look at me " he said softly

i sighed and looked at him. He had tears on his cheeks but his eyes they had a look of disappointment.

"look at you your beautiful with hair or without i love you so much that there is no need to say it because you already know, and if my love is not enough than i don't know what more i could give you " he said.

"babe you know thats not what i meant "

"than what do you mean "he said fustrated.

i looked him dead in the eye.

"im dieng whether you want to believe it  or not and before i do die i want to do fun stuff and experience fun things but i wanna do it with you so that even though i will die young i will be ready i will have done what i wanted to do and i lived a good life but most of all my biggest achievement yet has already been accomplished everyone can say that i was loved and not only that but i was loved by someone who liked me beyond my beauty on the outside but my beauty on the in and he made me feel like a diamond when i was really just a rock and he understood me more than anyone else  but more than all of that, i was loved by you and baby that's all i will ever need " i said and he had the cutest smile on his face and as soon as i finished talking he kissed me.

This kiss felt amazing like nothing i ever felt before.

Unfortunately it was interrupted by my dad.

"alright love birds thats enough now come down and eat brunch  its already 1 and you have therapy in two hours "dad  said.

When we stopped i groaned we got up still holding hands.

We came downstairs and sat on the coach .

i had on sweats a tank top and Beanie.

Hayes had on sweats that's it no shirt he looked so sexy it was impossible not to stare.

"you like "he said and laughed .

i lickes my lips joking and he laughed.

"so whats first on your bucket list "he said.

i whispered in his ear "i want to go to a party and get drunk "

he shook his head.

"i dont think you could handle it you wil probably get more sick"he said.

"please Hayes "i said pecking his lips.

"babe no do you know how guilty i would feel if you ended up back in the cancer hospital "he said.

"please please just a couple drinks "i pleaded luckily all the boys were in the the game room.

"fine but just a couple we will sneak out at midnight "he said

"yay i love you so much "i said and kissed him.

i took my medicine i have to. take 3 like 4 times every day and i have to work exercise  for 30 mins everyday.

"Hayes come to the work out room with me "i said reaching. my hand out for him to take it.

*skipping workout *

after Hayes went home for a bit so he can change he said he would be back in time to go with me for my therapy.

*skipping to therapy*

so first i did chemotherapy.

Then i had to do the radiation which only was a couple minutes then it was over i ran to Hayes and jumped up and he caught me i hugged him so much and just cried in his shoulder.

i know what your thinking.... why are you crying but just imagine you getting cancer going for treatment but knowing it probably wont help because its too late then after your treatment having your love standing there waiting for you.

i have tried to stay strong i really have but sometimes you just have to let it out.

He rubbed my back.

We walked to the car accept Hayes brought me there since i didn't want to walk when we got home i texted Ashly and she said she would be at the party.

i was so hyped . Well now i have to eat fruit for snacks and i have to go on a no junk food diet ughhh.

*later on at 11:40*

i put on a white cut off tank top that said YOLO  it showed a little belly i put on  a black sports bra under ,with black high waisted short's, black combat boots, and a black Beanie.

Hayes walked in my room and said that the boys were in the kitchen so we had to hurry up and leave now.

He was wearing a red tank top that said yolo with chakis and red vans and a red bulls snapback.

i left a sticky note on the outside of my door .

dear everyone,

Whoever is reading this then i just wanted to tell you me and Hayes went out so don't worry.... love you we'll be back soon.

                             love always,


He took my hand and we walked downstairs.

We arrived at this huge house thats blasting music.

when we got inside i grabbed a corona and headed to the dance floor i spotted Ashly and headed towards her.

Turn down for what came on and we started twerking on each other it was so funny.

*later on*

after three coronas Hayes said enough i was kinda tired so we headed home .

with our luck as soon as we walked inside everyone was in the living room fml.

they looked at us my dad most especially was angry.

"logan where were You "dad said

"me and Hayes went over ashly's house and invited some friends "

"okay next time tell me "

i nodded and we went upstairs.

i high fived Hayes because i just saved us.

Me and Hayes got upstairs he bought his bag with him earlier it has his stuff in it.

He grabbed it and walked to the bathroom.

while he was changing i got in shorts and a sports bra.

Hayes came out wearing just Nike shorts.

Damn his abs always get me.

We cuddled and watched catching fire

then we dozed off to sleep

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