School (part-2)

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[ (Y/N) p.o.v ]

Today your result's will be given. As expected you did well in other subject's and even Baekhyun's friends who are also teaching in this school has praised you a lot.

But now it was maths, Baekhyun's subject. You already said him your exam was not that good but Baekhyun didn't minded that.


From last 4 week Baekhyun did not contact you. You called him but it'll come switch off or busy. You even visited his apartment but he was not there..........once you even waited for him but when you woke up early in the morning, you saw you were on his bed and a sticky note saying he needed to go early as he was busy.

You were very upset about it. Even in the vacation given you always stayed gloomy becoz Baekhyun wasn't able to come in the family trip with Mrs and Mr Byun.

And maybe after.....3 and a half week you'll be seeing him in person.

Yeah he didn't even showed up. You were actually worried about this relationship but..........God knows what will happen now.

The bell rang, warning the students that the next period will start now.

You ran towards your class and sat beside your bestii Sarah.

"Don't worry it'll be fine" Sarah actually knows what happened in the past days so she tried to comfort you......but you don't think so.

Baekhyun entered the class and the first think you noticed he changed his hair colour into red. His bangs were falling on his forehead and he actually looked cute.

When he saw you, you smiled at him but he ignored. You frowned and lowered your head.

"Good afternoon kids......I hope your vacations went well...did you guys enjoyed it?" Baekhyun asked the class.

"Neeeee~~~" the students in the class said in unison.

"Sir? When you changed your hair colour and why?" A girl asked.

She was the most studious and the most beautiful girl in this whole school.

Baekhyun sweetly smiled at her which actually broke your heart. That smile he gives you.....and no feel like crying.

"Well firstly becoz my friends forced me and secondly I need to impress someone" Baekhyun said taking his seat.

"Sir you have a girlfriend or you gonna impress someone?" A guy asked

"Sort of.....well now maths paper's. Most of you did bad. I'm sorry but I actually cut your marks. Count them and if any mistakes come to me" Baekhyun said.

'He said sort he going to break up with me and impress someone else......wae....?? I think.....I should....leave him.....he can't date a student......I-I think it's better to bre-break-u-up'

You thought.

"(Y/N)" Baekhyun said and you stood up to take your paper.

When you walk towards him you feel like he was looking at you but you don't know coz your head was hung low so that he won't see your tears.

He handed your paper but you kind off snatched it and walked back to your seat, stuffing that paper inside your bag and put your head on the desk slightly sobbing.

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