Me,Myself (P2)

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{{Yunseo's P. O. V}}

I was on the bed. Laying flat. So it's Saturday midnight. I'm still on my wedding grown.

My heart is beating real fast. I don't know if I'm scared or what but I don't like this feeling.

Before the day of our marriage, I was called at Baekhyun's office so that we could go shopping for the interior decorations of our new house. And before I could reach his door, his PA stopped me.

Tbh I was confused to why but I heard a gun shot. I was really scared. Then I heard a woman screaming. She was saying him something in between her cries.

I was so scared that I cut myself by my nails becoz I was fisting it very tightly.

And Doyun only said me that he is very dangerous when he is calm.

I don't know what type of a person he is. We never talked with each other heart to heart. Only the essential information.

So I'm very scared.......God knows what will happen after this.

I was still in my daze when the door crack opened. I immediately closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

I can hear his footsteps coming near me. I kept my composure. I then heard him sigh. Why would he do that? And the next thing was the bathroom door being opened and then closed.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw his coat was on the chair that was in front of the dressing table.

I sighed!.... But I'm actually sleepy too but I don't want to let my guard down. What if he does something to which I'm not ready?

I soon heard the shower being turned off. I closed my eyes n got a bit comfortable. I can't let him suspect me.

When I closed my eyes.... The same scene pop out which happened during our wedding time.

When the priest asked her to kiss me, he came so close after lifting up my Vail that I was out of breath. I thought that my first kiss, I mean my virgin lips won't be virgin anymore but I was actually surprised when he gave a peck on my cheek and on my forehead and moved back.

I was taken off guard by his actions. I gave him a questioning look but he only smiled at me.

But I can't take that scene off my head. His face being mm away from me.

I then heard the door being unlock. And I continued my acting peacefully.

A minute or two later I felt the bed beside me sink. I think he layed down beside me.

I was all silent. I only hope that he falls asleep fast and I can get out of this dress. It's actually suffocating with this tight fitting. Especially my chest area.

"I know you aren't asleep. Aren't you feeling suffocated with that dress. Go on n get fresh" Baekhyun spoke.

Oh my goodness!! How does he knows I'm not asleep??

I heard him chuckle, and he spoke again

"You face says it all. Go go!! "

I opened my eyes and saw him, he was actually staring at my face from his laying position. One hand under his head folded supporting it.

I felt embarrassed. It's a shame, your husband catching you with your silliness.

"Hey don't be embarrassed, it's fine"

I looked at him and he gave me his sweet smile.

I slowly sat up. I didn't dared to look at him coz I know he is still staring at me.

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