Chapter 12

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Anti's POV

I stood a couple hundred feet away from Dark's doorstep. I breathed deeply, inhaling pine and warmth. The wind was blowing slightly, but it was a warm, comforting sensation. It all seemed to good to be true. I was convinced that it was. I glanced over my shoulder to see the front door still swaying. Something twinged in my heart. I felt bad for Dark, but then I felt bad for feeling bad. None of this shit was my fault. He was to blame. He was a horrible, abusive, confusingly handsome....

I shook my head, trying to dislodge those thoughts. I owed him nothing, and he owed me everything. If anyone should've felt bad, it was him. I wanted to give one last look at the world I was leaving behind, but I refused. I would not let a tragedy become my memory. My memory would be my escape and my freedom and my newfound happiness. 

So without another thought, I ran. I ran until I was gliding through the air. It felt like I was flying, but I sure as fuck wasn't an angel. My wings were my feet, carrying me through the trees near Dark's house. I smiled for the first time in weeks, maybe months. I threw my arms out behind me and hollered as loud as I could. I didn't care if Dark heard me. I was gone. There was nothing he could to do stop me.

I ran until I couldn't breathe, but my smile never left my face. When I finally looked around, I didn't recognize anything. But then again, I hadn't really seen a lot of America in Sean's lifetime, and I never once thought of leaving Ireland when I became my own host. 

A couple miles off I saw some buildings -- no distinct markings or anything, just tall blocks of  metal and window-glass. I decided that that was where I was heading.

I was still scared that Dark would come after me. That he would change his mind and lock me up forever and never let me die. That was what truly terrified me. An eternity where I had no control. No privilege of death.

A demon can't kill themselves unless they shoot themselves purposefully, go to Hell, confirm that they want to die, and then actually get granted permission to be erased from this timeline. Even if I could find a gun, there's no guarantee that I would even be granted permission to die. Dark probably has a bunch of Hell-staff on tabs, and nobody wants to fuck with him. 

The only other way that I could pass on is if another demon killed me, and Dark would never do it. 


Before I knew it, I was standing above a highway with thousands of passing cars per minute. I looked down at the ground and noticed that I wasn't wearing shoes. I panicked, realizing that every car could see me shirtless, shoe-less, and with two different colored eyes.

Nothing more suspicious than that, I can tell you.

I separated myself from the view of the cars and headed towards what I assumed was town. I desperately needed new clothes and a shower. The first one I could do. The last one... not so much.

I spotted a man wearing a green oversize coat and a hat about to enter a gift stand. Bingo.

I attempted to sprint past a number of shops to cut the guy off without drawing attention. Needless to say, it didn't work. I instead kept my head down as I pushed ahead through the thick crowd of tourists, and let the gasps and noises engulf me. The first chance I got, I bolted into an alleyway. I sat with my back to the wall clutching my head. Ireland was never this crowded. Or maybe they were just never this sober. 

I peeked my head out, looking for the man I had seen earlier. He was nowhere to be found. There went my outfit.

"Fuck." My mouth felt dry and my lips were chapped. I needed some way to get clothes, but I didn't know how I could. 

A few moments passed, then I heard a clunk at the end of the alleyway. I tensed up, afraid that somehow Dark had found me. I squinted, barely making out the silhouette of an short, older man, beckoning for me to come closer. I hesitated, but what the hell could he do? If he was a human, he was harmless, and if he was demon, I honestly didn't give a fuck. 

I lifted myself off the dirty ground and started towards him. 

"Stop!" he shouted. I froze, not sure what he was implying. Hadn't he been waving for me to come over? He shook his head and cursed under his breath. "You look ugly, son. And cold. And stupid." He tossed me a coat then shook his head some more. I caught it and stumbled back a bit. I guess he was being nice? I didn't see why though.

I cleared my throat, about to ask a question, but he stopped me, holding up one finger. "Are you running?" 

This guy was weird.

I didn't really know how to answer that question, though. I guess that I technically was. But I didn't consider myself running from Dark. I believed that I was free, and that I didn't have to hide from him. But I wasn't not  running. I decided to just nod my head, because that seemed like the simplest answer. 

The man nodded in return. "Put on the coat. Then get out," he scoffed as he turned his back to me. I fumbled with the coat in my hands as I quickly put in on, forgetting that it had been dangling off of my fingertips. I zipped it up as high as it could go and shoved my hands in my pockets. I wanted to ask more questions. But this was starting to feel really awkward really fast. So I turned and left. I got about 20 feet away from the entrance of the alley when I decided that maybe there was more this man could offer. I turned back, with the intention of maybe stealing his wallet. Or anything he had, truthfully. 

I know this dude gave me a coat and all, but I didn't know him. I was too concerned for my own well-being to be worried for this guy. And if that excuse didn't clear your conscience, then the reminder that I am still a motherfucking demon who convinced someone to kill themselves so that I could get what I wanted (a body) should do the trick. Demons aren't good. End of story. 

I pulled the hood of the coat over my head in an attempt to hide my face. I instantly regretted it. The smell of rot and body odor washed over my face, engulfing me in a sour cloud of piss and beer. I was more than 100% sure that everyone around could smell it, too.

Off went the hood, on went plan B. Which, simply putting it, was to walk back into the alleyway without  a plan. 

The old man was sitting next to a trash can with a backpack on him and a bucket for who-knew-what a couple yards away. I scanned the area, searching for a wallet or cash. I didn't see anything near him, so I assumed that he had something in his bag. 

Anti's Side-Note of the Day: Did you know that demons can do a lot of cool shit? For instance, the can convince someone that they're hearing something, and drive them crazy. It's how we convince people to kill themselves sometimes. 

Yeah. I did that. Except not the whole 'killing yourself' thing. I wasn't that  rude. 

Within seconds, I had the man frantically looking from side to side, trying to determine where the noises in his head were coming from. While he was freaking out, I slung his backpack over my shoulder and left. 

It was a good day for me. 


Hey! I don't know how good this chapter was for you guys. I had a ton of writer's block so some of this might not make sense or flow too well. Forgive me!! Anyways, I believe that the next chapter will be out next Friday. 

Don't quote me, but I think my schedule is gonna be one chapter every week. But this time, it was extra!! XD

Love you!

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