Chapter 2

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About a hour later Dally comes back.

Blair- Dallas Winston, what were you doing?!

Dally- B relax. (Holds out a box) You didn't think I would have forgotten to get ya a Birthday present. Would you?

Blair- (suspiciously) Was that what you were doing?

Dally-Yes I swear it. Are you going to open it?

Blair smiles and opens the box. Inside there is a silver necklace.

Blair- Dally! It's beautiful, thank you so much! Sorry for being so rude to you.

Dally- (smiling and blushing) Oh you're fine. So what have you been doing while I was gone?

Blair- (embarrassed) nothing.

Dally-(joking) Come on you can tell me. Come on birthday girl open up. I won't be mad.

Blair-(so embarrassed, about ready to start crying again) I was crying.

Dally-(feeling sensitive but trying not to show it, gives her a hug) Don't cry. Were you crying about me?

Blair-(still hugging him, comes out in sobs) Well I didn't know where you were going and I thought you didn't want to be around me. So I was nervous. (tries to make the words come out without crying but makes herself cry even more leaving tear stains on Dally's leather jacket) I'm so sorry.

Dally-(sensitively) It's ok, it's ok. Everything's alright. I'm here now and if I didn't want to be around you, I wouldn't be your boyfriend. B come on now let's stop crying before Soda, Steve, or one of your friends sees you like this. I can hardly bare to see you like this.

B eventually stops crying and Dally and her try to make her seem like she wasn't crying again.

Blair- (reapplying mascara in Dally's car's rear view mirror) Do I look like I've been crying now?

Dally-(trying to get tear stains off jacket ignores B questions because he's focused on something else) How do you not poke yourself with that thing?

Blair- Oh well I just practice and don't rush when I put it on. (Finishes putting on mascara) So do I look like I've been crying?

Dally-(Studying B carefully) It looks better than it did five minutes ago. Come on let's go inside.

B and Dally go inside the station where Mila and Haily are leaving. They say good bye to them and Soda begins to start teasing them again.

Soda- (teasingly) Look how cute, they have matching necklaces. (Stops and looks at B closely) Are you alright?

Blair-(tense) Yes fine. I'm super, super, super fine. Well ok gotta go.

Soda-(Acting like Darry) Hold it.

Dally-(just as tense as B) What do ya mean hold it?

Soda- Blair Raelie, sit down. Please. You don't look so good.

B sits down Jenna again goes to sit down beside her studying her to figure out what's wrong. Dally quickly takes off his coat to weaken any suspicion.Soda then calls Darry and Ponyboy to come over. He also contacts Two-bit and Johnny.

Soda-(Being his calming self) Alright B, can you tell me what's wrong.

Blair- I-I-I don't know

Jenna- Come on Blair. We're not mad at you or anything. Your very caring brother is trying to make sure you're ok.

Blair- Why do you think there's something wrong?

Soda- You just look the way you do when something is hurting or bothering you. Now come on tell your big brother what's wrong.

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