Chapter 3

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When they get back home Blair and Jenna are sitting on the couch laughing at Soda who's sleeping. In the Kitchen, you can hear Darry and Ponyboy doing the dishes. Johnny and Two-Bit watching Mickey Mouse on TV and Steve and Dally are trying to wake up Soda.

Steve- (To Soda) Come on buddy. Wake up. You can't be that tired.

Blair- Steve quiet. He needs his rest. All that talking him and Jenna were doing must of wore him out.

Jenna- I wasn't talking to him that much.(smiles)

Blair-(smiling) Well something happened. He never sleeps this much.

Soda-(waking up) What are you guys doing?

Steve- Trying to wake you up. You've been asleep awhile.

Soda-(yawning) I have? Mmmm, I don't know why I'm so tired.

Blair-(feeling his head) Are you feeling ok?

Soda- I think so. Can I go back to sleep now?

Jenna- Of course not. Darry said that you've been asleep since 6:00. It's 10:00 now.

Soda- I've been asleep that long?

Blair- Yeah that's why we've been worried about you

Jenna-(Smiling) We're glad you're ok. (Takes Soda's hat and puts it on her head) How do I look?

Blair-(Putting her hat on) Cute! You must love that little hat.

Jenna- Maybe. (Looks at Blair messing with Soda's hand) What are you doing?

Blair- I don't know. I'm bored, do you want to go in my room and do (looks at her brothers) girls stuff?

Jenna- Of course!

Jenna and Blair go into Blair's Bedroom

Jenna- So all those boys don't bother you anymore?

Blair- No. When you have three older brothers, you learn that you'll never have any girl time or me time or anytime to yourself because they will always be around hovering over you like you're a baby.

Jenna- Well you are the youngest. And I mean that the youngest is always babied. They always get the most attention from everyone. Even when I'm over here I get treated like the youngest also. And there's also a lot of advantages being the youngest. Like doesn't Soda and Darry both act like an actual big brother should, you know like caring for you and making sure your ok and stuff. And Ponyboy does it too but he hasn't reached that age where he wants anything to do with his little sister. And maybe it'll always be like that. I mean Soda wanted a baby sister from the start. I remember your mom showing us those videos a few years ago before, you know, what happened.

Blair- Yeah. I mean I guess that it's ok, but I still wish I had some time to myself. Wait I'm having time to myself right now. And it's even better because you're here Jenna. One of the only people that keeps me from going full tomboy. Not that there is anything wrong with girls that are tomboys. This is amazing! So what do you...........

All of a sudden Darry, Soda, and Ponyboy open the door and come in the bedroom.

Jenna-(To Blair... sarcastically) Well at least they learned how to knock finally.

Blair- Yeah no kidding.

Darry- (Sitting on the bed) Everyone else went home to get some rest. What were you to talking about?

Jenna- Just (looks at B) girl stuff.

Soda-(yawning) Like what girl stuff? Is it who's got a crush on who?

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