Chapter 6

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Two-Bit, Steve, Soda, Blair, and Jenna arrive at the drive in

Steve- Two-bit and I will go find some seats.

Soda- We can go get some snacks.

Blair- Jenna and I can go by ourselves. (Puts her hands on her hips)

Jenna- Yeah, we'll be fine.

Soda- No, no, no there are Socs everywhere here. You're not going alone.

Jenna- We can handle it Soda. (Put a hand on his shoulder as she walks past him) We're not helpless.

Blair- Yeah. Let's go. (Pats his cheek) Bye Soda. (She laughs)

Soda- (groans) Ugggg girls. Why are they so stubborn.

Two-bit- Come on Soda, I'm sure they'll be fine. Let's go find some seats.

Soda-(looks kinda put out) ok.

Blair and Jenna go to the snack bar

Blair- Oooo, so many yummy foods!

Jenna- there's sooo much to choose from.

Blair- (grabs 4 popcorns) I want popcorn and I'm sure the guys will too. I know you won't want any.

Jenna- Nope. (Picks up some nachos)

Blair- You want Coca-Cola?

Jenna- Absolutely.

Blair- (to the worker) 5 please. (Worker hands her them)

Jenna- (Picks up two of them to help Blair carry them)

Blair- (pays for the food) Let's go find the guys.

Jenna- Coming!

Blair and Jenna find the guys sitting in the chairs.

Blair- Ok, popcorn for Two-bit (hands it to him) popcorn for Steve, popcorn for Soda and popcorn for me. (She sits down)

Jenna- (hands them their sodas) here you guys go. And a delicious order of nachos for the weirdo in the group.

Blair- Stop!

Jenna- (laughs) well...

Soda- Thanks guys.

Steve- Thanks (says romantically) Blair.

Blair- Eww, stop Steve. Watch the movie.

Steve- (rolls his eyes) Whatever.

Two-Bit- (Hits Steve upside the head) Dude you're embarrassing yourself.

Steve- So!?

Two-bit- I'm just saying. She has a boyfriend and, if I'm not mistaken you're not "her type"

Steve- I have to go to the bathroom. (Gets up and walks away) I'll be back.

Blair- Two-bit, that wasn't necessary. I can handle him.

Two-bit- Well, maybe he'll drop it now.

Jenna- Two-bit!

Two-bit- What, she's always annoyed with him. And he annoys me when he did that. He won't stay mad.

Jenna- I know, but still. Your like one of his best friends. You're supposed to like, help each other out when you have problems.

Two-bit- I'll apologize when he gets back, ok?

Jenna- thank you. He's not my favorite person in the world but I try to treat everyone right. (Eats a nacho)

Blair- I should go find him. I shouldn't of said "eww."

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