Chapter 5

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The boys are trying to do the best they can with taking care of Blair. Jenna is helping a lot too. Right now Soda is trying to get Blair to eat something, while Darry looks up the side effects of the medicine.

Soda- (with a pleading look) Come on kiddo, you gotta be hungry from all the excitement you've been through. Can you eat something for your big brother?

Blair- No!


Darry- No, no there's nothing wrong with her PepsiCola, it's just one of the side effects of the medicine they gave her. (goes to comfort him) She's perfectly fine, expect for her ankle and her knee.

Soda-(ready to burst into tears) What's wrong with her knee?

Darry- Oh well she just has a big bruise on it from the coffee table. Nothing serious. Please don't cry little buddy, everything and everyone is fine. (looks at Blair) Looks like another side effect has kicked in, exhaustion.

Soda- I'll carry her to her room.

Soda picks Blair up and takes her to her bedroom. It's morning now and Blair is finally over the medicine.

Blair- What happened? Where am I? Where are my brothers? Where is Jenna? Where is Dally? (Starts screaming) Soda? Soda?! SODA!?!

Soda-(comes rushing in, sits down on the bed and starts to comfort her) It's all right kiddo. Your big brother is here. All of your big brothers are here. Jenna is coming over later, and so is Dally so there is nothing to panic about.

Blair- All I remember is Darry carrying me into the x-ray room at the hospital.

Soda- Well everything's fine.

Blair: Are you sure? I just have absolutely no idea what happened, and sometimes I don't know what to believe.

Soda: Hush just relax. Everything's ok I promise you.

Blair: Can you stay with me Soda? Til Jenna gets here?

Soda: Of course B.

Soda gets a chair and brings it back into Blair's room. He puts it next to Blair's bed and fixes her sheets. Then he sits in the chair and watches as she closes her eyes sleepily.

Blair: I just want to shut my eyes for... Just..... A......... Minute (closes her eyes and falls asleep)

Soda: (whispering) I'll be here.

Blair sleeps soundly. Within and hour Jenna Knocks on the front door and sits in Blair's room with Soda.

Jenna: (Looks at her) Effects still not off?

Soda: (Nods) She's still exhausted. I did the math and the effects won't wear off till around noon.

Jenna: That's a while from now.

Soda: Yep, I'm hoping she'll sleep most of it off.

Jenna nods then Blair opens her eyes suddenly and sits up in bed.

Blair: (Talking really fast) Ya know have you ever had the urge to paint a picture or write a novel like right now!?!?!

Jenna: Blair you're awake?!?

Blair: Of course I'm awake, if I wasn't awake I couldn't talk to you. Right?! Right?! Right?!

Soda: Side effects, I'm gonna call Darry.

Jenna: I'll watch her till you get back.

Blair: Soda Soda were ya going?! Can I come?! Can I come?!

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