Chapter 8

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The whole gang gets ready for the rumble that will finally and hopefully scare the Socs off for good. Blair's in her bedroom taking everything in.

Jenna- (walks into the bedroom) Hey Blair do you know where the first aid kit is cause We (pauses and looks at Blair) You scared?

Blair- Why wouldn't I be. Like I said we don't even know what kind of rumble this is Jenna.

Jenna- Yeah I know, it's terrifying.

Blair- You want to know something I've never told anyone before in my life.?

Jenna- Of course.

Blair- When my parents were still......

Jenna- Blair? Are you sure you're ready to talk about this?

Blair- Now seems like a good time. Anyway when they were still alive, my family was happy. Sure we didn't make the most money, but we were happy. But when they died, things changed. They weren't happy, they were terrifying. From Pony's bad dreams to Darry and Soda working so much..........I thought I was gonna end up on the street without anywhere to go. Now it's a year later and things are going great again. Except....

Jenna- For this rumble?

Blair- Yeah and You don't want to lose Soda cause you two are a thing now and I feel the same way about Dally I just........I just lost a lot in my life you know.......and I don't want to lose anyone else I care about. Not you, Dally, my brothers, the gang, our friends, one.

Jenna- Hey, so I know this looks scary, but remember when you were always scared of tackling someone when we play football? What did Darry always use to tell you?

Blair- Well let's see there was, "Blair pull your shorts down." "Blair stop sticking your tongue out at me." "Blair if you call me superdork one more time I'm gonna....

Jenna- (stares oddly) No, no definitely not that. The part about when you're tackling someone in football remember two things. One, go for the knees and two.....

Blair- (finishing the sentence) Always remember that I got your back not matter what.

Jenna- See they'll always be there even when you don't want them to so don't worry. (pats Blair's head) Now let's go find that first aid kit cause we might want that just in cause of some emergencies.

Blair- We probably need ice packs too and lots of them. Let's go find some.

Jenna- We should call Mila. More help. We'll have potentially 7 injured bodies to deal with.

Blair- Agreed.

Blair and Jenna go to the phone and call Mila, of course she says she'll be over right away. They're waiting for her to get to the house... it's about 5:30 and everyone is sitting around in the living room

Darry- You girls promise me something.

Blair- Of course.

Darry- No matter what you hear, you do not come to the park. A rumble is no place for a girl, regardless how tough they are.

Blair- Bu-

Mila- Hey!-

Darry- Please, promise me.

Blair- (looking at the ground and nods a little) Fine, I promise.

Jenna- Me too.

Mila- Same here. (Frowns)

Darry- (standing up) Good. (He walks into his room.)

Two bit- I can't figure out why you three, especially you two (points to Jenna and Blair) Are so worked up over a rumble! We've done them before, we know what to expect.

Steve- Yeah! We're gonna send them Socs for the hills right John?

Johnny- (has been sitting on the couch in silence staring out the window) I don't know if I wanna fight in this rumble, Steve.

Steve- You don't want to beat up a bunch of spoiled Socs?!

Johnny- No, it's just... ever since "it" happened. Fighting hasn't been my thing. I just don't think it's right. Besides, my mom- I mean new Mom doesn't like fighting very much.

Steve- But John-

Soda- Lay off Steve.

Jenna- You can stay here with us. Or go home if you really want.

Johnny- Really?! I can stay here!?

Blair- Of course.

Mila- You Have to make yourself useful though. (Laughs)

Johnny- (smiling) not a problem!

They all sit around for a while more when 6:30 rolls around and the guys have to head to the park.

Darry- (looking at the clock) We better get going.

They get up and start heading out the door. Blair goes into the kitchen with Dally and Jenna stops Soda on the porch.

Jenna- (sarcastically) It's not too late to take me. (Smiling then Laughs)

Soda- Very funny.

Jenna- (looks at him) Look, I know we're not technically a thing but I'd like to say practically. But, please tell me you'll run if things get real bad.

Soda- Run?

Jenna- Well, Get yourself to a safe place.

Soda- You think it'll be that bad?

Jenna- I don't know, I'm just worried. Who could blame me?! This is the first rumble where someone in it really means something to me.

Soda- I know. But how am I going to be able to really fight if all I'm worried about is where I'm going to run? (Laughing)

Jenna- I suppose you're right.

Soda- Yep. (Gives her a hug and gives her a kiss on the forehead) I'll be fine.

Jenna- (Laughs as she blushes then looks at him) Give one a black eye for me?

Soda- (Laughing) Not a problem.

Jenna- Now Go. Before they think you decided to stay!

Soda- (pretending to be a soldier) Yes ma'am! (He runs off down the street)

Scene switches to Blair and Dally but stops in the living room for a moment.

Two bit- (Sarcastically) Don't worry Mila. I'll be fine.

Mila- Dude! What the heck?

Two bit- That was a good one.

Mila- (rolls her eyes Laughing) If you say so. (He laughs once more before taking off out the door)

Scene switches to Blair and Dally

Blair- I wanted to tell you to stay safe.

Dally- You're funny, those Socs are the ones who need to worry about staying safe.

Blair- I'm serious! What if it's not fist fights?! You know, chains and stuff?!

Dally- Dallas Winston doesn't need a weapon to win any fight (holds up his arms) Aside from these guns!

Blair- Ha ha ha, you're funny but I'm serious.

Dally- Don't worry, I'll be fine. Trust me.

Blair- Ok, I'm trusting you. But if they carry you back in a wheelbarrow I'll be making a big pot of "I told you so"

Dally- Deal. (He gives her a quick kiss on the cheek and jogs out the door)

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