Chapter 4

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Everyone is sitting in the living room. It's early evening and everyone is doing what they would be typically doing. Blair gets up to get a snack.

Blair:(Gets up and jumps into the air like a weirdo then dashes towards the kitchen. But hits her right ankle on the coffee table. She falls to the floor clumsily) OH MY GOODNESS OOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ponyboy: Ban- (faints)

Jenna: (Look up from her book) Blair?!?

Soda: Be! (He gets of the couch and goes to her) Are you ok?

Darry: (Pushes Soda out of the way) Move out of the way pal. Let the oldest take care of this one. Blair are you ok?

Soda: I already asked that!

Darry: Well I'm ask'in now!

Soda: I can take care of this I'm not 10 anymore... Darry.

Darry: Why can't you just listen to me? You always listened to Mom!

Soda: You ain't Mom!!

Blair: Hello ding dongs girl in pain here.

Darry: Oh sorry Blair, Soda distracted me. (Shoots him a look)

Soda: Excuse Me?!

Jenna: Will you two just drop it. Get along boys, you're bothers for pete's sake. (Rolls her eyes) Meanwhile your sister is "dying"...  of irritation.

Blair: That's right. (Pretends to faint)

Darry and Soda sorta makeup and Ponyboy wakes up from fainting

Ponyboy- No! Blair!

Blair-(sits up) Don't worry the Mighty On- (Faints for real)

Darry- Ok this is a serious matter people. Ok Soda you get the truck, Dally you get Be off the floor and into the truck. But be gentle. Ponyboy and I will get anything else we will need. Ok nobody panic, nobody panic. (Starts to panic)

Soda- You tell us not to but then what do ya do. Wow. Just wow.

Jenna- Wait a minute! What am I supposed to do? I'm one of her best friends so I should be allowed to come to the hospital with you guys.

Darry- (Still panicking)  Ok fine. You can make sure Pony doesn't pass out again. Oh I forgot. Two-Bit, you, Johnny, and Steve make sure that the house gets cleaned up and "crutch proof". Ya know like no furniture in the way or out where someone can trip on it.

Two-Bit- Ok we will.

Dally- You think she'll be ok?

Soda- Oh yeah, she just probably just broke her ankle, again and she just passed out because she was just in pain or that the bone made her tired. Just carry her to the back of the truck and get in with in her. And make sure that the Bak doesn't become worse. (shakes his head) Here we go again.

Dally- (picks up Blair and starts to take her to the truck while asking Jenna a lot of panicky questions) What if she wakes up and starts to panic?

Jenna- Well if she does then just calm her down. They'll probably give her stuff to take the pain away at the hospital. Plus it's not like you're going to be the only one in the back with her, Ponyboy and I will be in the back with you and her. Well if he doesn't faint too, then we're gonna have a predicament.

Dally and Jenna get into the back of the Truck with Blair. Darry and Ponyboy get in after the fine all the stuff they needed to bring, like aspirin. And because Soda's driving the car hits every bump in the road while on the way to the hospital. When the get there, Blair starts to wake up.

Blair-(Sleepy) Where am I?

Dally- It's fine we're at the hospital. They're getting ready to get your ankle x-rayed.

Soda- Oh good she woke up. Who do you want to carry you to get your x-rays?

Blair- Probably Darry.

Soda- DARRY?! Why I thought I was your favorite!

Dally- It's fine Soda, she's just out of it and wants her big, big brother to come with her and you shouldn't yell at her while she's out of it.

Soda- Sorry, I'm just upset at him I guess. I don't know why though.

Dally- Darry. She wants you to take her to get her x-rays.

Darry- ok I'm coming. (picks up Blair) You weigh a lot less than I thought you would.

Blair- I'm going to let that one slide because I'm in pain.

Darry carries Blair into the x-ray room. Meanwhile, Jenna and the boys are sitting in the waiting room. When Darry and Blair come out, Blair is still being carried by Darry.

Soda- (looks at Blair) Why doesn't she have crutches. She has a regular cast, not a walking cast on?

Darry- Yeah about that.......

Blair-(over joyfully) I love unicorns!

Darry- So the doctor gave her medicine to help take the pain from her ankle away. He said that we need to keep a close eye on her for at least 12 hours. As you can tell she's a little bit of a nut right now but the doctor said that it will wear off in that amount of time.

Blair-(over joyfully) That medicine tasted funny! Hahaha, I said funny!

Soda- So it's as if we have to babysit a two year old all night?

Darry- Basically, I'll go get her crutches, you and Dally get her in the truck. Oh and make sure Jenna can stay the night again, because we're gonna need all the help we can get.

Soda- Got it. (turns to Blair and talks like if talking to a little kid) Ok Blair, let's get you into the truck.

Blair- Okkie dokkie, Soda. (tries to get up)

Soda- Oh no you don't. We're gonna carry you to the truck.

Blair- Ok! Let's go!

Jenna- Blair, does your ankle hurt anymore?

Blair- No, The doctor gave me this weird potion thing and it made the ouchies from my ankle go bye-bye. (smiles over happily) He's a nice wizard.

Soda- Ok kiddo, let's get you home. You need your rest.

Jenna and the boys take Blair home where the rest of the gang is "Blair Proofing" the house.  

Steve- Oh look here comes the princess.

Two-Bit-(looking at Steve) Oh stop being so weird.

Johnny- Please stop it you two they're coming inside, So how are you holding up B?

Blair- I'm a pretty, pretty pink princess!

Soda- So as you can see, She's on medicine.

Two-Bit- Yeah I can see that. Will she remember any of this?

Darry- The doctor said that she probably won't, but while she's on this medicine, we have to keep her around at least one of us, until it wears off.

Johnny- Well how long will that be?

Darry- Oh just 12 hours.

Ponyboy- This is going to be a long night.

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