Chapter 7

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Blair wakes up early and is sitting in the living room with Soda.

Darry- I have to get going soon. Soda? Are you going to get ready?

Soda- Uh Yeah. I was just waiting to see if Uh- nevermind. I'll just be a minute. (He jumps up and walks to his room)

Ponyboy- (walks out of their room)

Blair- What are you doing?

Ponyboy- Well, I actually want to make track this year so I'm going on a jog. Why, you wanna come?

Blair- No, way. (There's knock on the door and Jenna walks in)

Jenna- Hey guys! How ya feeling Pony?

Ponyboy- Much better (He points to his eye which has distinctly blackened) looks worse than it feels.

Soda- (Walks out of the bathroom) has anyone seen my DX shirt? I can't find it anywhere!

Jenna- Maybe if you did your laundry. (She laughs)

Soda- Ha Ha, but I really need it.

Blair- It smelled like gas so I washed it and hung it out on the line to dry outside.

Soda-(Runs out the door) Thanks B! See ya Jenna!

Jenna- Uh, Bye?

Blair- Now that. Was sweet.

Jenna- what do you mean?

Blair- he totally made a effort to personally say goodbye to you.

Jenna- What do you mean?

Blair- (Laughs) He didn't say, "bye girls" "see ya later guys" or something like that, he said, "see you Jenna!"

Jenna- Yeah, I guess it was sorta nice (smiles)

Blair- And did you see the way get looks at you now? (raises her eyebrows) Well Jenna I think you have got yourself a secret admirer who's not really a secret if you know what I mean.

Jenna- I mean I guess so.......

Blair- And to think he was waiting all that time in the living room watching and waiting for you to come in the house. You know whenever you're around, Soda's eyes always light up and his smile is a million times brighter. I mean the only other time this has happened was with that no good Florida fleeing stick a pencil in it sugar cube.

Jenna- Sugar cube?

Blair- Would you like me to use stronger terms cause if I did Darry would kill me so sugar cube will have to do.(laughs) Now let's get you all fancy before Soda comes home. (winks)

Jenna- I don't feel comfortable with this.

Blair- trust me with this. You like him don't you?

Jenna-(blushes) Maybe I mean, he did say. (Shakes her head) I mean YES!

Blair- Then, to the boy free zone!(runs into her bedroom with Jenna following

In Blair's room Blair is running in and out to the bathroom grabbing stuff. Jenna is sitting on the bed looking nervous.

Blair- Ok, that's everything. (Starts to rummage through her closet) Good thing I refused to get rid of some of my old clothes. I told Darry that you never know when you might need them. Here is a classic example.

Jenna- What's wrong with this? (Looks at her cloths which are her junk/riding clothes)

Blair- Nothing, they just don't say "wow" (she does jazz hands)

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