2 ~ The Adventure Begins!

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Jessie's eyes fluttered open, as she stirred under the silky canary sheets of the hotel bed. She glanced quickly around the hotel room, and realised it was still the middle of the night. She turned over as quietly as she could and slipped out of the bed sheets.

Jessie stood up, the fluffy green carpet tickly between her toes. A small smile spread over her face as she caught sight of her lavender-haired team-mate, fast asleep, slumped awkwardly over the edges of the tiny arm-chair. A quiet chuckle escaped her lips as he let out a soft snore, quite cute to Jessie's ears.

"How could he get comfortable enough to sleep in that thing?" Jessie pondered in a whisper, "Poor James."

She felt a light stab of guilt for forcing him to sleep on that puny leather lump of furniture. Perhaps she could offer to take turns? She froze in terror as James rolled over in his uncomfortable spot, and she waited anxiously to be caught watching. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief as James' soft snores continued.

'I would die if he knew that I liked him!' Jessie cried internally, 'I can't believe I almost got caught!'

Daringly, Jessie crept over to her sleeping criminal-companion. She stretched out a cautious hand and twirled a lock of his soft lavender hair around her index-finger and thumb, smiling to herself.

'He is just so darling, even when he's asleep!' Jessie fan-girled silently.

Her dare-devilish ways seized a further hold of her, and she reached out and gently stroked his cheek. Her smile immediately vanished as what hoped wouldn't happen, happened. And much to her horror indeed.

James' gorgeous green eyes snapped awake, and Jessie was stood right over him! 

Jessie shrieked in panic and rushed backwards, diving back into the bed behind her.

James sat up in a confused daze, rubbing his eyes.

Were his eyes playing tricks on him, or was Jessie stood right over him just a moment ago?

"Jessie?" James mumbled sleepily, "Is something wrong?"

He glanced over at the canary-coloured bedspread and saw Jessie, sleeping soundly.

"Hmm. Must have been a dream," James muttered.

He lied back down on the uncomfortably hard leather arm-chair, and stared up at the grey ceiling, watching the light slowly creep in through the blinds.

Jessie raised her head slowly, and saw that James was awake.

"James?" Jessie hissed, sliding out of bed, "Why are you awake?"

"I...I don't know. I was woken up by something touching my face, and I thought I saw you standing right over me," James whispered back, flicking hair out of his face. His tone and expression reflected deep perplexion as he sat up.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Jessie squeaked, "You woke ME up!"

James yawned, stretching.

"Sorry, Jess. I didn't mean to," James apologised quietly, "Jessie, what time is it?"

"I don't know! Does it look like I have a watch to you?" Jessie snapped under her breath.

"I...Suppose not."

"How did you sleep?" Jessie asked, the harshness in her tone vanishing.

"Okay. Though that arm-chair isn't very comfortable. For Meowth, perhaps, but I'm much too big to fit in such a small space," James complained.

"You can sleep on the bed tonight," Jessie offered.

"Oh, thank you, but I couldn't possibly ask you to do that," James replied, chuckling, "We all know you need your sleep."

"Yes, but so do you," Jessie replied sourly, pouting.

"If needs be, I'll just sleep on the floor," James replied, "The carpet looks comfy enough."

"No!" Jessie cried in concern for her partner. James stood, staring in confusion back at Jessie.

Realising what she'd just said, Jessie flushed in embarrassment.

"I-I mean! Um... Never mind, I'm going to go now, bye!" Jessie cried, running for cover in the bathroom.

"That was very unlike Jessie," James commented, "I wonder what was wrong?"

-------------------------------------------time passes ------------------------------------------

Meowth stirred and stretched, awoken by a warm ray of sun on his back.

"Yaaaahh," Meowth yawned, "Good mornin' , gang!"

Meowth jumped down from the armchair seat to see his human friends squabbling, just as always!

"I told you already! We're broke as can be!" James cried.

And I told you already, I'm starving so you'd better find some money somewhere!" Jessie yelled.

"What do you expect me to do? Magic some Poke-dollars out of thin air?!"

"I wish!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Quit ya yappin' ! What's da problem here?" Meowth yelped, jumping in between the two of them.

"We've got no money!"

"Which means no food!"

"Ya pulling my tail, right Jess? Jimmy? Tell me ya ain't serious?" Meowth cried.

"Oh, it's serious alright, James sighed, "We're flat broke!"

"Why does dat not surprise me?" Meowth sighed.

"What are we going to do?!" Jessie howled, "I'm starving already!"

"This is hopeless," James sighed.

"Maybe we could ring up da boss? Explain dat we need a loan or two just 'till we got our rumblin' tummies filled?" Meowth suggested.

Jessie and James rolled their eyes at Meowth's suggestion.

"And the boss would so like to hear that we've wasted all our money on failed contraptions!" Jessie said sarcastically.

"That you built," James chipped in, turning his back on Meowth in annoyance.

"Hey, dere, Jimmy! Don't go turnin' on ya old pal, Meowthy!" Meowth laughed nervously.

Jessie let out a harsh, irritated sigh.

"Well, we'll have to do something, or we'll all starve!" Jessie growled.

"We could always try sellin' some stuff?" Meowth said.

"Now, there's an idea!" James cried enthusiastically, and then realised, "But...What have we got to sell?"

The hungry trio groaned, their stomachs growling and their patience with each other whittling.

"I'm outta here," Jessie sighed, flipping her hair, "I'm off to look for some berries whilst I calm myself down, before I rip your two heads off!"

And with that, the door slammed behind her.

And the journey continues...

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