3 ~ Ye Of Little Faith

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It had been almost a week since the Team Rocket trio had settled down in their new Alolan life, and all were pleased to say that they hadn't had a single money problem since their second day!

"Who would have thought that fishing rods would be so popular?" James cried out joyfully, beaming proudly at their little stall they had set up on the Alolan Market.

"And it's all thanks to ya good pal, Meowthy ova here!" Meowth gloated.

"Hey! I helped too!" Jessie snapped.

"H-heh! Of course, Jess! Who am-a kiddin' ? Course it was yous whose Jimmy and I has to thank!" Meowth babbled nervously, "MEOUCH!" Meowth cried, being hit by a hard wooden pole by Jessie.

"Humph. Don't make me angry, Meowth," Jessie growled.

"Ahhahha - Understood, Jessie," Meowth replied, picking himself off the ground.

James laughed loudly at his two quarreling buddies, amused by their regular antics.

------------------------------------------------time passes----------------------------------------------------

"Oh, we seem to be out of poles," James said to the rest of his team-mates.

"Already?" Jessie asked, "Yippee! We'll all be rich before we capture a single Alolan Pokémon!"

"Now that yous be mentioning it, Jess, when are we all gonna be catchin'  ourselves a new Poke-pal?" Meowth piped up, popping up from under the counter.

"Well, I suppose we could go do some fishing of our own this afternoon!" suggested James.

"That sounds like a plan!" Jessie replied determinedly, "I'll go get some more sticks to whittle into poles!"

And with the speed of Pokémon using Extreme Speed, Jessie was off.

James hung a small sign on the front of the shop, reading:

'Out of stock!'

James sat down on the grass behind the stall, and breathed a happy sigh.

"So, Jimmy. When are ya plannin' on tellin' her?" Meowth asked, plopping himself down beside his lavender-haired friend.

"Tell whom what?" James asked, raising a bemused eyebrow.

"Don't play dumb! I knows you has the hots for Jessie!"

James turned red with embarrassment, shaking his head furiously.

"I-I most c-certainly do not!" James stuttered in protest, "W-what an absurd thing to say, Meowth!"

Meowth rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Ya really thinks I've not been noticin' da way you look at her? And da way yous always act when she's around? Drop the act, bub!" Meowth retorted.

James twiddled his thumbs, staring at the floor as his face burned with embarrassment.

"Do you have a death wish of some sort, Meowth?!" James exclaimed suddenly, jumping up from the ground in fury, "I can't tell Jessie! Are you mad? She would rip my head off and use it as a football!"

"Woah, woah, woah dere! Calm down, fella! Ya old pal Meowthy got ya back, Jimmy!" Meowth replied with a knowing-smile.

James glared at Meowth, but sat back down.

"Jessie would never love a wimp like myself," James sighed, feeling disheartened.

"Now dat's where ya wrong, Jimmy! If my Pokémon prize eyes ain't been foolin' me, me thinks that maybe Jess has da hots for ya too!"

"Now you really are being absurd, Meowth," James shook his head slowly.

He looked to the floor, a sad expression clouding his face.

Jessie had returned from the nearby forest, her arms full of long sticks, when she came only a few paces away from their stall. She froze, seeing that James and Meowth were talking. She noticed that James seemed down, but Meowth was comforting him...Or at least, that's how it looked. She slunk behind a dress display next to her, and craned her neck to listen in.

"Oh, I don't know, Meowth," James sighed, "What if she rejects me? Or even worse, what if she kills me?!"

"Hey dere, Ye-a little faith! I has a plan dat's so great, Jessie can't say no to ya!" Meowth replied.

"Me? Can't say no to James? About what?" Jessie pondered aloud to herself, listening closer.

"As if Jessie would ever love a man like me, with or without your master-plan," James replied, standing up.

"Just hear me out, James! I'll tell ya about it later, but ya can count on ya old pal, Meowthy! Ya secret's safe with me!" Meowth replied, standing up too.

"James...loves me?" Jessie gasped.

She couldn't believe her eavesdropping ears.

And the journey continues...

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