9 ~ Fun Times

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Three weeks later...

James sat up in bed, another morning greeting him with a beaming sun. He stretched, yawning loudly, and then turned to his right. He smiled adoringly at his beautiful beloved, sleeping soundly. He reached out and curled a lock of her magenta hair around his finger, treasuring the silky feeling.

"My dear Jessie," James whispered, stroking her head gently.

"James?" Jessie mumbled, rolling into James' lap sleepily.

Her ocean-blue eyes opened, and a tired smile stretched over her face as she saw James.

"Good morning," James said, grinning.

Jessie sat up and got up, James copying her.

"Let's get up quickly! We've got a Pikachu to catch!" Jessie said enthusiastically.

For the past two weeks, Jessie, James and Meowth had been continuing their pursuit of Pikachu. It hadn't been too long until Jessie had spotted the twerp with the cap, accompanied by the firey haired and firey tempered twepette . As their usual attempts, non were successful.

"I admire your spirit, Jess, but I was thinking we could take a break today? It's been a while since the three have spent the day together," James replied, hoping that Jessie wouldn't become annoyed.

"Oh...Okay then," Jessie replied, frowning slightly.

"I'm going to have a shower," James said, "Back soon."

"James!" Jessie called him back, urgency in her voice.


"I love you, James," Jessie told him.

"I love you too, Jessie," James replied, flushing and smiling.

---------------------------------------------------------time passes-----------------------------------------------------

Breakfast was done and dusted, and the whole day still awaited the three of them.

 With a strong sens of optimism, James brought out a wallet that he had pocketed.

"What's that?" Jessie asked.

"It's my share of the money we make from the stall. I've been saving it specially for today," James replied, offering Jessie his hand.

Jessie took his hand and said, "What are we doing with it?"

"Shopping," James answered determinedly as they walked down the market-stall surrounded street.

They walked to the near end of the row of shops, and then stopped in front of a stall selling jewelry and cosmetics. James looked down at the bundle of Poke-dollars he had in his small leather wallet, and then glanced at the prices. It would be okay; he had plenty.

"Jessie, pick out whatever you like," James told Jessie, gesturing to the stall, "As much as you want; I'm sure I can afford it."

"Oh, James, are you sure?" Jessie asked worriedly.

"I'm sure."

Jessie surveyed the stand, eyes glittering in delight. It had been so long since she had bought anything for herself! She looked at all the beautiful things on the table: dinky little bottles, filled with fragrant, coloured liquids; hair-ties with false flowers on them in gorgeous, bright colours; bottles of nail-varnish in all colours of the rainbow, and many other creative cosmetic products.

Tentatively, Jessie took a bottle of deep red nail varnish, a small bottle of lavender scented perfume, and an orange hair tie with a pink Alolan flower as decoration on its side.

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