16 ~ Breaking the News

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James sat up, hearing the unexpected sound of his mobile phone. He reached over from the bed and answered it; it was the boss!

"Good evening, Boss," James said, standing up in a habit of politeness.

"I wish it was, James," the Boss sighed on the other end.

James frowned with suspicion; this wasn't like Giovanni in the least!

"I have news about Jessica," he said.

"News about Jessie?"

"Terrible...Terrible news, James. I am regretfully sorry to have to tell you this."

James felt worry creep along his back; what on earth was he on about?!

"Tell me...what, Sir?" James asked uncertainly.

James heard Giovanni clear his throat nervously before hearing him say,

"Jessie was caught in an avalanche whilst on the mission, and went missing. We have been searching for three days but didn't find her. Our search team dug five foot deep at least, but no body or Jessie has been found...She's presumed dead," Giovanni explained, "I'm sorry."

"W-what?" James said with disbelief, "D-dead?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"But that can't be so! The search team couldn't have been efficient enough! Jessie is out there somewhere! I just know it!" James cried, feeling an overwhelming feeling of panic.

"Calm yourself!" Giovanni barked, "The search team did their best. Even if Jessie is still out there, she'd be frozen solid!"

"I'm...I'm sorry, Sir," James said quietly, unable to truly believe what he was hearing.

"I know that this is difficult to accept. I too mourn Jessie's loss. She was an amazing agent and a credit to our team. I can only apologise for the way I acted; pressuring Jessie on to that mission was a mistake," Giovanni said.

A few moments of cold silence passed before Giovanni spoke again,

"The funeral is next Friday at Team Rocket Kanto Head Quarters...We have chosen this location due to the fact she began her Team Rocket journey there. With you and that talking Meowth. I suggest you come to say your goodbyes."

"O-of course," James replied.

"A helicopter will come and take you here. You will be reassigned a new mission nearby afterwards. I don't feel that it would be appropriate for you to continue chasing that pathetic Pokemon any longer...For a variety of reasons. The helicopter will pick you up next Wednesday by the port. Try to be on time," Giovanni explained.

"Yes, Boss."

"Good bye, James. I shall see you soon."

James looked in disbelief down at his phone screen, in shock of what had just happened. Jessie was...dead? She'd been caught in an avalanche?! 

Just like her mother...

"Tell me it's not so," James whispered, "Tell me this isn't so!"

Meowth entered the hotel room, carrying some clean laundry from downstairs in his paws. He noticed something was wrong as he entered; James was staring at his phone screen, seeming in an almost paralytic trance. A look of undiluted horror was present on his face - horror and shock.

"What's wrong, Jimmy?" Meowth asked with concern, dumping the pile of laundry.

"Jessie's gone, Meowth," James said, dropping his phone from his hand, "She's gone..."

"Oh, James! It'll be just fine! You'll see her again soon enough!" Meowth said, trying to comfort James, not understanding what he meant.

James shook his head, and shut his eyes.

"No, Meowth...I'm never going to see her again," he said.

"How can ya be so sure?"

"That was the boss," James began, gulping fiercely with determination to finish his sentence, "He said he had news about Jessie..."

"Has Jessie quit Team Rocket?!" Meowth cried fearfully.

James sank down to the floor in silence, simply shaking his head again.

"It's worse than that, Meowth. Much worse."

James clenched his jaw, willing himself to stay composed. He had to be strong and tell Meowth. He had to be strong for Jessie! Because Jessie would want him to be strong!

Regardless of James' efforts, his bottom lip began to tremble, and his shoulders jerked slightly; he bit his tongue to silence a sob, forcing himself to still.

"J-Jessie went missing. On a mission. She w-was caught in avalanche. The search team...couldn't f-find her. She's been presumed dead," James' voice trailed away as he felt unable to speak, for fear his throat would close up all together with emotion.

"Jessie's...what?" Meowth asked, stunned.

"Jessie's presumed dead," James repeated in a whisper.

He lay his head in his hands and quivered, a tear escaping his eyes. He felt himself loose control as he let out a sob, keeling over further, trying to hide his grief from Meowth.

"I don't believe it," Meowth said quietly, "Jessie's...gone?"

Meowth tried to let it sink in, but it simply wouldn't. Jessie was very much alive and bouncy and firey as ever! It was impossible to imagine her...dead. Meowth placed a comforting paw on James' shaking shoulder; it was hard to watch, but he couldn't just leave him. It wouldn't be right. Nothing was going to be alright now...Not for James. Not for Meowth.

James sobbed quietly as Meowth tried to comfort him; though James appreciated Meowth's effort, it was probably hopeless. He'd just learnt that his team-mate...his partner in crime...the love his life...His Jessie was gone. And he'd never see her again.

That hard to take in, even harder to accept, and impossible to swallow. 

James didn't feel like he'd ever be able to stand again; he just wanted to sit and cry. He just wanted the aching pain in his chest to cease...He just wanted Jessie to walk through the door and make it all alright again.

But nothing was going to feel alright now for the Team Rocket pair. Not now. Not ever.

And the journey continues...

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