10 ~ Evening are Made for Dancing

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"Come on, Jessie! It's time to go!" James announced, grabbing his walled off the bedside table and pocketing it.

"I'm coming!" Jessie rushed excitedly out of the bathroom and took James' hand.

"Hey, wait for Meowth!" Meowth cried, dashing out of the door behind them.

Jessie and James entered the bustling street, even more busy and lively than usual. People in evening wear, bright, colourful and fancy, were everywhere. Some were dancing to the beautiful music playing live on an erected stage; others were at the few food stalls still open, or the bar, purchasing fabulous food and divine drinks.

"Well, beautiful lady, would you like to dance?" James asked flirtily, putting a rose between his teeth, in a similar way that he did when performing the motto. Jessie laughed delightedly, feeling allured and enlightened.

"Well, I'd be honoured to dance with a handsome gentlemen like you," Jessie replied, smiling and blushing.

James took the rose from between his teeth and placed it in his breast pocket once more as he led Jessie on to the dance floor. He smiled courteously at Jessie and took her hands. They began elegantly swaying around the dance floor, stepping and turning in perfect compliment to each other. To a certain onlooker's surprise, they were very smooth, graceful dancers, not once treading on each-other's toes or stepping out of time.

Who was that certain onlooker - or rather, pair  of onlookers -  watching Jessie and James? They were none other than Ash, his Alolan buddies, and Misty, whom he had recently been reunited with. Ash watched, his mouth agape in befuddlement, perplexed as to why they were dancing together the way a couple would. Usually, when they were together, and especially when they weren't in their uniforms, the troublesome trio were preparing to cause chaos. However, no chaos was caused as James swooped Jessie up and around, a dazzling stunt that resulted in clapping hands and 'oohs' and 'aahs' around them. Misty walked over to Ash, wanting to find out what - or who - he was staring in such shock at. As soon as the bright-colour-haired duo came into Misty's line of sight, she immediately realised. Either this was one of their usual plans, or they were a couple!

They didn't appear to be wearing disguises of any kind, and they didn't seem to be doing anything callous - Misty thought that they must be a couple! She squealed with adoration; how adorable! 

"Oh, Ash, isn't it cute?" Misty cried, pointing discreetly at Jessie and James.

"What? Why are they cute?!" Ash cried in confusion, a little too loudly, "They're Tea-"

Misty clamped a hand over Ash's loud mouth as James glanced over in their direction with curiosity. Not being able to identify the cause of the shout, he turned his attention back to Jessie. Misty sighed with relief and removed her hand from Ash's mouth. She beckoned Ash closer to her and whispered,

"They're together, Ash! You know, like a couple?"

"JESSIE AND JAMES ARE DATING?!" Ash yelled in surprise, alerting everyone.

Both Jessie and James looked over at the twerpish two in unison, reddening with fury and embarrassment.

"Ash!" Misty shouted at her clueless companion, "How could you be so careless?!"

"Sorry," Ash mumbled.

"It's so sweet!" Misty cooed, "I know! Let's us dance too, Ash!" she prompted excitedly.

"Um - okay..."

Misty grabbed Ashes hand and brought him to the dance floor, guiding him as they danced clumsily. 

"Oh, come on , Ash! It's easy! Step, step, turn!" Misty complained impatiently.

"I'm trying, Misty!" Ash sighed, looking down at his noncomplying feet.

James couldn't help but smirk, overhearing the twerps' trouble. Ash was as bad a dancer as he was a Pokemon thief. Misty was beginning to  grow extremely frustrated with Ash's lack of dance-skills, and stormed over to Team Rocket, dragging a earful Ash behind her.

"Excuse me!" Misty barked, "Can I borrow James a second?"

"Me? Why?" James asked, pausing his and Jessie's dance.

"Because you can dance, and Ash can't! Maybe you can show him how to, because I can't," Misty explained with exasperation. Jessie glowered at the red-headed twerpette  as she stole James away.

"It's a little tricky to with you, twerpette - what with the huge height difference," James remarked as they awkwardly shuffled around.

"Just show him what he's supposed to do," Misty retorted.

James left Misty's side and walked back over to Jessie.

"Watch us," James told Ash, "We'll go slowly so you can see."

James took Jessie in his arms once more and they danced slowly, stepping and turning in perfect sync, each movement smooth and elegant. Ash watched with an anxious sweat; he was supposed to dance as good as them?!

"Okay, now your turn, twerp," James said, gesturing towards Misty.

Ash gulped and took a hold of Misty's shoulders. They shuffled and stepped slowly, moving around each other with more grace than before. Misty smiled with a feeling of contentment.

"Better," Misty remarked, smirking.

James watched the two twerps dance together and smiled in adoring amusement; Misty obviously liked Ash, but he was as oblivious as a Magicarp. He chuckled at the thought, and then turned back to his own date.

"Shall we resume where we left off?" James asked, offering Jessie his hand. Jessie smirked contentedly and took it, resuming their prior position and began dancing again.

Jessie and James gazed lovingly into each other's eyes, happily letting the rest of the world melt away as they danced.

"Thank you, James," Jessie said, "for taking me tonight."

"Thank you, Jessie," James replied, "for agreeing to come with me."

"Well, I would never turn down a ballroom dance!"

"Neither would I," James said, smiling alluringly back at Jessie.

They danced to the edge of the dance floor and then walked back on to the street together. James checked behind him to make sure that the twerpy two weren't looking their direction, and then gently turned Jessie's chin towards him. Boldly, James leaned in and kissed Jessie's tender lips, just a short kiss - but still every bit as loved filled as any other they could have shared. Jessie blushed and smiled, cuddling into James' shoulder.

It had been the best evening of their life.

And the journey continues...

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